Nazerke Imasheva

Имашева Назерке Даулетказиновна


2010-2011. EKSU. (Full-time)

Major: Pedagogy and Methods of Elementary Education.

Qualification: primary school teacher.

2011-2014. KASU

Major: Pedagogy and Methods of Elementary Education.

Qualification: primary school teacher.

2014-2016. EKSU. Master’s Courses

Academic Degree: Master of Education

Additional Education, Further Education

1. May 23, 2015 – May 31, 2015. Certificate No. 50 confirming internship in Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy of Altai State Pedagogical University. Topics: “Personality and Activity of Teacher-Psychologist: Diagnostics and Design, Workshops and Communication Trainings”, “Methodology and Methods of Master’s Psychological and Pedagogical Research”. (Altai State Pedagogical University, Rector I.R. Lazarenko., RF Barnaul)

2. 10/06/2015. Certificate №42 for participation in workshop on ” Абай шығармашылығын мектепте оқытудың инновациялық әдістері», (Speaker – Meruyert Kozykhankyzy Mukasheva, highly qualified teacher of Regional Specialized School-Gymnasium-Boarding School named after Zhambyl for Gifted Children). (KAFU, Marshall Christensen).

3. 07.10.2015. Certificate for participation in 2 Thomson Reuters seminars with total duration of 2.5 hours in Kazakh-American Free University on following topics: “How to Find Journals with Impact Factor for Publication of Articles”, “How to Draw Up Articles with End Note Online Program.” (KASU, Dariya Bukhtoyarova).

4. 27.03.2015-02.04.2015. Certificate №1476 for participation in «Technological Generation and Sustaining Student Attention». (KAFU, Louis Foltz, Ph.D., Professor of Warner Pacific College).

5. 28-29 01.2016. Certificate for participation No. 1644 “Teaching Children in School: Features of Information Perception”. (KAFU, G.Soper).

6. 29.03.2016. Certificate №08 for participation in the master class ” Мұғалім мен оқушының субьектілік қарым-қатынастарын дамыту тәсілдері “, (Speaker- Zh.K. Sadanova, Master of Education, Senior Teacher of Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, KAFU, Ust-Kamenogorsk), (KAFU , Marshall Christensen)

7. May 2015. Certificate for participation in International Research Conference “Қазіргі білім беру жүйесі: мәселелері мен даму болашағы”. (EKSU named after S.Amanzholov, rector A. Kuandykov).