Natalya Moshenskaya

Work Experience and Qualifications
2008 – present time – KAFU, manager of Research Department of KAFU
Higher Education
2006-2010 – KAFU, Bachelor of Russian Language and Literature
2010-2012 – KAFU, Master’s Degree
Additional Education, Further Education
1. Participation in Elsevier Science Direct and Scopus Training 18.03.2014 Gamze Keskin Turkey, Iran, Middle East and Central Asia;
2. Participation in seminar “Assessment of Effectiveness and Ways to Improve Educational Programs of University” №1121 May 27, 2014 KAFU, Ust-Kamenogorsk;
3. Certificate No. 0130833 for refresher courses for teachers of pedagogical majors in university of Republic of Kazakhstan JSC “National Center for Advanced Studies” ORLEU “(Almaty, 240 hours);
4. Participation in master class “Leadership in Learning Activities”, speaker – Marshal Christensen, March 28, 2014, No. 74;
5. Participation in master class “Interaction with Students as Means of Training”, speaker – Daniel Bellast, March 28, 2014, No. 74;
6. Participation in master class “How to Motivate Students”, speaker – Mike Jaskila, March 28, 2014, No. 44.
7. Certificate of participation in Science Direct and Scopus training 2014 held on December 04 in Republic of Kazakhstan
8. Certificate for participation in master class “Prospects for Leadership Development”. Speaker Robert Robak, Director, Strategic Resources Group, Inc., President of Resource Partners SRG Canada, Inc., CEO of Roebuck Garrett Investments and Roebuck and Associates, Inc., Honorary Professor of KAFU (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
9. Certificate for English language courses (level A 2.2), 09 to July 07, 2014
10. Elsevier by certificate of participation in Elsevier Science Direct and Scopus Training held on March 18, 2014 in the Republic of Kazakhstan
11. Certificate of seminar on resources of Thomson Reuters for scientific research (May 26, 2014) JSC “National Center for Enhancing the Qualification” ORLEU “(Almaty, Kazakhstan)
12. Certificate on completed official Springer Authors Training (June, 12, 2015, Almaty, Kazakhstan)
13. New approaches to scientometric databases, Ust-Kamenogorsk, KAFU, April, 2016.
14. Қазіргі заманғы жоғары білім беру жүйесесне көптілділіктіә әсері, Ust-Kamenogorsk, KAFU, May, 2016
15. Certificate No. 1873 “English for Beginners” (Level B 1.2, B 2.1, B 2.2), KAFU, Ust-Kamenogorsk city, (22.10.15-
16. Participation in master class “Teaching Children at School: Peculiarities of Perception of Information” No. 1646, Ust-Kamenogorsk, KAFU, Career and Personality Development Center, January 28-29, 2016, KAFU
17. Master class “Modern Pedagogical Technologies in Formation of Literary and Regional Studies Competences № 17, Ust-Kamenogorsk, KAFU, 13.04.2016,
18. Participation in seminar “Brief Excursion in Research Design for Representatives of Social Sciences”, №2327, Ust-Kamenogorsk, KAFU, May 13, 2016.
Scientific Activity
Natalya took part in organization and holding of Annual International Scientific Congress, Annual International Forum of Young Scientists as moderator, was proofreader of Republican Scientific Journal “Vestnik KAFU”.
Read Disciplines
* Russian Language
* Professional Russian Language
Gratitude and Letters of Thanks:
In 2015 N. Moshenskaya was awarded with a letter of gratitude “For Contribution to Development of “City University “project within framework of memorandum on cooperation between akimat of Ust-Kamenogorsk city and KAFU and for contribution to preservation, propaganda and development of literature of East Kazakhstan Region”.