Students Development Center
University life is a movement forward, an opportunity to discover your talents and study abroad; it is time for new victories and achievements, for bold breakthroughs and ideas.
KAFU as the university of international partnership, forming the leaders of the 21st century for the benefit of sovereign Kazakhstan, provides a comprehensive development of professional and creative potential of its students.
The Center for Students Development is a cohesive team that lives by the interests of today’s youth and pursues an active policy in all areas of the student life.

The development of students’ activity at the university and the need to solve the goals and objectives of the KAFU youth policy resulted in the creation of the Students Development Center (SDC) in 2010. From the moment of the Students Development Center creation the two main directions in which the center is actively developing were set. They are creative and professional development. Creative development is aimed at ensuring realization of the State youth policy and improving artistic amateur creativity among students. Professional development is directed on the professional communication and obtaining practical knowledge.
It is worth noting that over the past 4 years a number of changes occurred in the structure of the Centre. Analyzing the dynamics of recruiting to the Students Development Center, it is noticeable that the number of the Center’s activists has significantly increased. n the 2011-2012 academic year there were 45 activists, in 2012-2013 – 41 activist, in 2013-2014 – 90 students, and in 2014-2015 there are 101 of them. The vast majority is represented by the 1st and 2nd-year students. It should be also noted that the SDC has had not only a quantitative increase, but also a qualitative growth in the number of events, in their quality and professional content.
A special place in the Center activities belongs to the monthly student newspaper “Free Students”, produced annually since 2007. The editors constantly improve the visual design of the newspaper, the style of is content and presentation, while maintaining the quality of the material and our corporate style. The staff of the editorial board is constantly updated with the number of talented young students of KAFU. University professors actively support the newspaper and publish in it. At this stage, we are actively working on the creation of the newspaper web-site.

The creative volunteering group traditionally organizes different events, among them there is the contest of poems, compositions and reports in Kazakh, Russian and English devoted to the Day of the Republic, the Independence Day and many others. The new events are the Students Ball and the Mr. KAFU contest. These activities have received a good response and are planned to be held annually. The participants of the creative volunteering group took active part in the celebration of the national holiday “Nauryz” and performed a concert at the stage provided by the city administration.
For the first time our students participated in the regional “Students’ Spring 2014” contest with 30-minute performance in Semey. The choir of our students took the first place in the “Academic vocal” category in the city “Student Spring 2014” contest.

In the city contest “Student Spring – 2015” the creative team from KAFU «Breezy Beat» won the nomination “Original genre.” Our students adequately presented the university, as well as pleased the audience of thousands people with the performance and proved once again – there is a talented youth in KAFU.
Besides, there is the Club for Humorous and Ingenious People called KVN. Its University Russian and Kazakh leagues are actively functioning. This academic year the Club participants reached the final of the KVN City League. In September 2014 the team was going to participate at the regional level and get a ticket to participate in the Republic League of KVN. KVN is a competition in your own wit and our students cope with it with great pleasure. Our students actively participate in the city league final and win honorable prizes. In recent years, our teams have achieved a lot: they are the champions of the Premier League, they have won a lot of cups, prizes, awards, etc.
The Business Club is the unity of business and higher education. The club participants apply business concepts and an entrepreneurial approach to the implementation of socio-economic projects, which allow the population to improve the level and quality of life. Business Club members develop various projects, business plans, implement socially significant ideas and take part in various contests, forums, conferences in both local and international levels.
The KAFU debate movement was revived. The KAFU debate club educates the participants’ patriotism and helps in forming their personality. In 2014 in honor of the KAFU 20th anniversary, the Republic Debate Tournament for the KAFU President’s Cup was organized for the first time. Its participants were debaters from Astana, Pavlodar, Semey, Kokshetau and Ust-Kamenogorsk.
In 2014 the KAFU debaters also revived the city Debate League. Besides, they held training for those wishing to participate in debates and they also have taken patronage over the teams of KAFU College, College of Economics and Finance, Moscow Economics and Statistics Institute and East Kazakhstan State University.
Within the framework of legal assistance the “Femida” (“Themis”) KAFU Legal Clinic works. Creating the KAFU Legal Club is an important step to raise the KAFU students’ legal awareness, to consolidate law students’ theoretical knowledge in conducting free legal consultations on the KAFU basis for the students, university staff and the city’s population. In the 2013-2014 academic year, the Legal Clinic activists held classes on legal literacy for employees of voluntary national teams and students of Ust-Kamenogorsk police assisting groups at the Department of Internal Affairs.
The number of trainings was organized for students, for example, the basics of communication with customers, seminars on advanced study of the changes and additions to the Kazakhstani regulatory legal acts, etc.
In the 2013-2014 academic year the University volunteers’ movement reached a new level and took the patronage over the “Hospice” old people’s home and the children’s rehabilitation center for children with disabilities. Under this patronage the volunteers monthly visit these centers and provide all possible help, organize entertaining evenings and events for children and the elderly
The KAFU volunteers’ activity has been repeatedly covered by regional television and“Oskemen” and “Rudnyi Altai” newspapers. To the present moment the agreement on joint cooperation was signed with the volunteers of Nazarbayev Intellectual School.
The university has successfully implemented a proactive project on the creation of a dance club studying both modern, for example “hip hop”, and traditional genres, e.g. “oriental dance”. This project resulted in the invitation and participation of the University dance group in the city flash-mob dedicated to the Day of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and participation in the city “Student Spring 2014” contest.
Moreover, within the Students Development Center the Psychology Club functions. It has deal with organization of social surveys for students and teachers, organizes psychological seminars and trainings, psychological consultation for teachers and students.
Based on the Student Center the Language Club welcomes everyone. The main objectives are the following:
- Developing public speaking skills of the club members;
- Practicing and mastering the educational material;
- Discussing global political, youth, social and economic problems in foreign and national languages;
- Watching movies in a foreign language.
Tourism is not only a window to the world, a mean for knowledge and communication, but the whole life. Today, the KAFU Tourist Club «Liberty» is more than 10 routes of active recreation for everyone who wants to discover their Terra Incognita. We hope that the long experience of bright, saturated and interesting hikes led to the right choice of areas and time travel. We really want the members of our routes to experience camp life and the romance of an unforgettable journey.
Also, there is the Vocal Studio in the SDC. The studio accustoms the students to the concert activity and motivates students’ participation in competitions and festivals of student creativity.
The university consistently hold the activities to promote and clarify the Message of Kazakhstan President, the state youth policy, as well as the formation of patriotism, citizenship, tolerance, providing legal literacy of students with an invitation to members of the city public organizations, media, youth associations, department of internal policy of East Kazakhstan region Akimat, and public associations like “ASK”, “Phoenix”, “Zhas Otan” and others.

We are always open for cooperation and are ready for constructive dialogue and welcome new members of our friendly team.
Our main goal is to make the life of our students not only useful, colorful, saturated and memorable, but also to promote the education of an active generation of leaders in the 21st century for the benefit of our sovereign Kazakhstan!
Student Government is a member of the general management system of teaching and educational process in KAFU and suggests best accounting of students’ interests and needs.
The main goal of the Student Government is to bring together and coordinate the efforts of the entire team of students, promoting the administration of the University in order to improve scientific research and cultural activities, as well as to control student groups involving them in public life of the university.
Statue of SDC KAFU
- General Provisions
1.1. The «ENASTUS» Business Club (later on the Club) is created upon the decision of Students Development Center.
1.2. The Club is a voluntary association of students, entrepreneurs and independent thinking people.
1.3. Work of Business Club is based on the principles of publicity, transparency, value of each member`s opinion, open discussion of issues, cooperative decision making. It is prohibited to speak on behalf of the Club in public places on any issues, without agreeing it at the meeting of the Club. Business Club can be involved into commercial activity by means of business structures, created by the Club according to the Regulation of the Club.
1.4. Membership is agreed on the meeting of the Club based on the recommendations of two members of the Club, one of which brings to the members of the Club its intention to invite the candidate.
- Goals and Aims
2.1. Club is created in order to facilitate the creation of favorable conditions for business development, promotion of theoretical and practical knowledge in this field.
2.2. To achieve its goals Club performs the following tasks:
- Facilitates coordination and harmonization of interests of members of the Club, informing about the possibilities and conditions of acquiring of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of business;
- Provides practical assistance to the participants of the Club in specific business projects;
- Organizes cooperation with companies in various fields of activity which is the subject of interest of members of the Club;
- Facilitates coordination and harmonization of interests of members of the Club, informing about the possibilities and conditions of acquiring of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of business;
- Provides practical assistance to the participants of the Club in specific business projects;
- Organizes cooperation with companies in various fields of activity which is the subject of interest of members of the Club.
- Meetings
3.1. The Club`s meeting is held at least once a week, on an agreed with the management of Students Development Center, and approved schedule of meetings.
3.2. Current issues of the business of the Club, as well as training seminars are settled at meetings.
3.3. An extraordinary meeting may be held on the initiative of the management of the Club with the obligatory warning of the meeting one day in advance.
- Membership, Rights and Obligations of Members
4.1. The Club members can be: KAFU students that share the goals of the Club, specified in the Regulation; People to comply with the Regulation, regularly attending classes.
4.2. Students are accepted as a member of the Club on the basis of personal expressions.
4.3. Acceptance of new members is performed by the Head of the Club.
Exclusion of members of the Club is performed by the Head of the Club.
4.4. Head maintains records of the members of the Club. Relevant decision of the Head is the basis for listing and delisting the Club members, as well as members` statements of withdrawal from the Club.
- The Rights and Obligations of Members
5.1. The members of the Club have right:
- to use support, protection and assistance of the Club;
- to take part in the elections of managerial and supervisory bodies of the Club and be elected;
- to participate in events of the Club;
- to make proposals concerning the business activities of the Club and participate in their discussion and implementation;
- to obtain information about the Club;
- to leave the Club on the basis of their own desires.
5.2. The members of the Business Club shall:
- observe the Regulation of the Club;
- participate in the Club
s events; attend meetings and classes timely; implement the decisions of the Club
s management; - not commit acts that violate the Club`s Regulation, ethics friendly relations, as well as actions causing moral or material damage to the Club, refrain from activities contrary to the purposes and objectives enshrined by the Club.
5.3. Members of the Club terminate the membership by filing the statement to the Head of the Club.
5.4. Members of the Business Club are considered to be withdrawn from the Club after the submission of the application.
5.5. Members of the Club can be excluded:
- for activities contrary to the goals and objectives of the Club;
- for actions discrediting the Club, causing moral or material damage, as well as other actions that the management of the Club or its members deem sufficient for exclusion from the Club.
1. General Provisions
1.1 Club for Social and Cultural Events was created upon the decision of Students Development Center.
1.2 Club for Social and Cultural Events – voluntary, self-governing, student organization founded by a group of KAFU students, united on the basis of common spiritual interests and joint actions to protect these common interests and to achieve the goals set out in this Regulation.
1.3 Work of the Club is based on the principles of voluntariness, equality, self-governance and the rule of law. The Club is free to determine its internal structure, forms and methods of its work.
1.4 Promo of the Club is «Student»: «If you are talented, creative and capable of doing something sublime from anything then you have come to the address! »
1.5 Member of the Club can be any creative and active KAFU student recognizing motto, Regulation of the organization, laws, and desiring to organize a variety of activities, both within the institution and outside it, and participate actively in the life of the university.
2. Goals, Objectives and Activities
2.1. The Club is created in order to promote creative activities of its members, union enthusiasts, on the basis of their common interests to develop, and train their managerial skills.
2.2. To achieve its goals the Club provides:
- study of public speaking;
- organization of systematic training for members of the Club;
- assistance in organizing, and demonstrations;
- other areas, promoting the development of organizational skills;
- liaise between the Clubs, societies and other organizations.
2.3 The Club has the following tasks and functions:
- organization of free time, social and educational activities at the university;
- involvement of students in various social and educational orientated occupations based on individual interests;
- creating conditions for the meeting of cultural and spiritual needs, development of initiatives and realization of their creative potential;
- attracting students to participate in organizing and conducting reviews, competitions, festivals and other cultural events at various levels;
- assist in the organization and work of the Clubs.
2.4. In order to achieve the goals and objectives the Club has the right to:
- freely disseminate information on its activities;
- represent and protect the rights and legitimate interests of its members and participants, as well as other people in the manner prescribed by law;
- take initiatives on various aspects of social life;
- carry out charitable activities (including concerts, tours, etc.);
3. Structure
3.1 The Club consists of the management and the members of the Club. The management consists of:
- Kazakh League Coordinator;
- Russian League Coordinator.
3.2 League coordinator must:
- set time, place and subject of the meeting;
- set format and participants of contests, festivals and other events of different level;
4. Meetings
4.1 Meetings are held at least once a week, according to Students Development Center approved and established schedule of meetings.
4.2 Current issues of the Club are solved during the meetings.
4.3 An extraordinary meeting can be held on the initiative of the Club with the obligatory warning about the meeting one day in advance.
5. Membership
5.1 Students of Kazakh American Free University, students of other universities can become members with the approval of the leagues coordinators.
5.2 Membership can be lost upon the decision of the Club`s management in the following cases:
- Voluntary withdrawal from the Club;
- Gross violation of or non-compliance with the provisions of this Regulation;
- Committing actions discrediting the activities of the Club.
6. Rights and Obligations of Members of the Club
6.1 Members of the Club have right to:
- Elect the management and be elected;
- Participate in the development of measures and Regulation;
- Make adjustments and suggestions for the most effective work of the Club.
6.2 Members of the Club shall:
- Follow the Regulation;
- Contribute actively to solve the problems the Club faces;
- Perform tasks set by the management of the Club;
- Not to commit acts that violate the Regulation of the Club, ethics friendly relations, as well as actions causing moral or material damage to the Club, refrain from activities contrary to the purposes and tasks proclaimed by the Club.
6.3 Member of the Club ceases to be a member by submitting a statement to the Head of the Club.
6.4 Member of the Club is considered to be withdrawn since the submission of the application.
6.5 Members can be excluded:
- for activities contrary to the goals and objectives of the Club;
- for actions discrediting the Club, causing moral or material damage, as well as other actions that the management of the Club or its members deem sufficient to exclude from the Club.
1. General Provisions
1.1 Club for the Happy and Resourceful (hereinafter the Club), was established upon the decision of Students Development Center.
1.2 The Club is a voluntary association engaged in the development of tolerance, creativity, acting.
1.3. Activity of the Club is based on the principles of voluntariness, equality, self-governance and the rule of law. The Club is free to determine their internal structure, forms and methods of their activities.
1.4. A member of the Club can be from KAFU or any other university student, recognizing the Regulation and desiring to develop his/her creative abilities.
2. Tasks and Objectives
2.1 The Club was created with the aim of conditions creation for development of creativity, promotion of the youth movement.
2.2 To achieve the goal the following objectives are set:
- to increase of aesthetic culture of students;
- to identify talented students to develop their creative abilities;
- to extend friendly ties between educational institutions and student groups;
- to participate in university competitions at various levels regularly;
- to prevent anti-social phenomena among youth.
3. Structure
3.1 The Club consists of the management and the members of the Club. The management consists of:
- Kazakh league coordination;
- Russian league coordination.
3.2 League coordinator must:
- set time, place and subject of the meeting;
- set the format and players at rehearsals;
- introduce the new formats of the game, answer questions on formats.
4. Meetings
4.1 Meetings are held at least once a week, according to the approval of Students Development Center and established schedule of meetings.
4.2 During the meetings current issues of the Club are settled, games and work-shops are held.
4.3 An extraordinary meeting may be held at the initiative of the leagues coordinators with the obligatory warning about the meeting one day in advance.
5. Membership
5.1 Students of Kazakh American Free University, students of other universities can become members with the approval of the leagues coordinators.
5.2 Membership can be lost upon the decision of the Club`s management in the following cases:
- Voluntary withdrawal from the Club;
- Gross violation of or non-compliance with the provisions of this Regulation;
- Committing actions discrediting the activities of the Club.
6. Rights and Duties of Members of the Club
6.1 Members of the Club have right to:
- Elect the management and be elected;
- Participate in the development of measures and Regulation;
- Make adjustments and suggestions for the most effective work of the Club.
6.2 Members of the Club shall:
- Follow the Regulation;
- Contribute actively to solve the problems the Club faces;
- Perform tasks set by the management of the Club;
- Not commit acts that violate the Regulation of the Club, ethics friendly relations, as well as actions causing moral or material damage to the Club, refrain from activities contrary to the purposes and tasks proclaimed by the Club.
6.3 Member of the Club ceases to be a member by submitting a statement to the Head of the Club.
6.4 Member of the Club is considered to be withdrawn since the submission of the application.
6.5 Members can be excluded:
- for activities contrary to the goals and objectives of the Club;
- for actions discrediting the Club, causing moral or material damage, as well as other actions that the management of the Club or its members deem sufficient to exclude from the Club.
1. General Provisions
1.1. Dance Club of Kazakh-American Free University, hereinafter referred to as “Dance Studio”, created upon the decision of Students Development Center.
1.2. “Dance Studio” — voluntary, self-governing, public organization established by a group of citizens united on the basis of common spiritual interests and joint action to protect these common interests and to achieve the goals set out in this Regulation.
1.3. The work of “Dance studio” is based on the principles of voluntariness, equality, self-governance and the rule of law. “Dance Studio” is free to determine its internal structure, forms and methods of its work.
1.4. The motto of the Club: “Students: by means of dance we show our essence”.
1.5. Any dance lover from KAFU, who recognizes the motto and the Regulation can become a member of the Club.
2. Goals, Objectives and Areas of Work
2.1. “Dance Studio” was established to promote the creative activity of its members, to union lovers of dancing directions on the basis of common interests in improvement, as well as additional dance training.
2.2. To achieve the set goals “Dance Studio” provides:
- study of the dance styles;
- improvement of its members;
- organization of systematic training for its members;
- assistance in organization of exhibitions gala;
- provides communication between the Clubs, societies and other organizations.
2.3. In order to achieve goals and objectives “Dance Studio” have right:
- to disseminate information on its activities freely;
- to represent and protect the rights and legitimate interests of its members and participants in the manner prescribed by law;
- to take initiatives on various aspects of social life;
- to carry out charitable activities;
- to carry out charitable activities (including concerts, tours, etc.);
3. Right and Obligations of Members
3.1. Members of “Dance Studio” can be:
- KAFU students sharing the goals of “Dance Studio”, recognized by this Regulation;
- students attending classes regularly.
3.2. Students are admitted to “Dance Studio” on the basis of personal expressions.
3.3. Receiving to and exclusion from “Dance Studio” is performed by the Head.
3.4. Head maintains records of members of “Dance Studio”. The basis for listing and delisting members of “Dance Studio” correspond with the decisions of the Head, as well as the withdrawal statements of members.
3.5. Members of “Dance Studio” have right to:
- use the support, protection and assistance of “Dance Studio”;
- take part in the elections of managerial and supervisory bodies of “Dance Studio” and to be elected;
- participate in events organized by “Dance Studio”;
- make proposals concerning the work of “Dance Studio” and participate in discussion making and implementation of the decisions;
- represent the interests of “Dance Studio” in the state and other bodies, as well as in relations with other organizations and individuals on behalf of its elected bodies;
- obtain information about the work of “Dance Studio”;
- leave the Club members based on their own desires freely.
3.6. Members of “Dance Studio” shall:
- fallow the provisions of “Dance Studio”;
- participate in work of “Dance Studio”;
- attend meetings and classes timely;
- implement the decisions of the Club management;
- not commit acts that violate ethics, friendly relations of “Dance Studio”, as well as actions causing moral or material damage to “Dance Studio”, refrain from activities contrary to the goals and objectives proclaimed by “Dance Studio”.
3.7. Member of “Dance Studio” ceases to be a member by submitting a statement to the Head of “Dance Studio”.
3.8. Member of “Dance Studio” is considered to be withdrawn since the submission of the application.
3.9. Members can be excluded:
- for activities contrary to the goals and objectives of “Dance Studio”;
- for actions discrediting “Dance Studio”, causing moral or material damage, as well as other actions that the management of “Dance Studio” or its members deem sufficient to exclude from “Dance Studio”.
1.1 Debate movement – The “Erudit” debate Club (hereinafter the Club) was established upon the decision of Students Development Center.
1.2 The Club is a voluntary association engaged in the development of tolerance, public speaking and leadership skills of young people.
1.3. Activity of the Club is based on the principles of transparency, openness, considering the opinion of each member of the Club, free discussion of issues, common decision-making. It is unacceptable to speak out on behalf of the Club on any issue in public and the media without checking it at a meeting of the Club.
1.4. Students of Kazakh American Free University, students of other schools, as well as representatives of the school in consultation with the league coordinators can become members of the Club.
2. Tasks and Objectives
2.1 The Club was created to promote the initiative and talented young people, the formation of social and politically oriented citizens of society.
2.2 To achieve the goal the following objectives are set:
- development of young people and society in general interest of the social and political processes;
- formation of political culture among the younger generation;
- development of critical thinking;
- bringing up patience and respect to different ideas, opinions;
- strengthening of mutual respect and tolerance between different cultures;
- increase of the scientific and educational level, and the awakening of creative thought of youth.
- bringing up sense of patriotism, responsibility and tolerance in the youth;
- development of practical skills that can be used in everyday life;
- development of cooperation and communication between students and other youth organizations;
- Establishment of rich, interesting and diverse student life.
3. Structure of the Club
3.1 The Club consists of executives and members of the Club. The executives of the Club perform the following tasks:
- Coordination of the Kazakh league;
- Coordination of the Russian league.
3.2 Coordinater of the league performs the following tasks:
- fixing the time, place and subject of the meeting;
- appointment of the format and composition of the games at the meeting;
- introduction of new formats, answering questions on formats.
4. Meetings
4.1 Meetings of the Club are held at least once a week, according to an agreement, with the leadership of Students Development Center, and the established schedule of meetings.
4.2 At the meetings of the Club current issues are discussed, as well as games and seminars are held.
4.3 Extraordinary meeting can be held on the initiative of the leagues coordinators of the Club with the obligatory warning of the meeting one day in advance.
5. Membership
5.1 Students of Kazakh American Free University, students of other schools, as well as representatives of the school in consultation with the league coordinators leagues can become members of the Club.
5.2 Loss of membership can be carried out by management of the Club in the cases of:
- voluntary withdrawal;
- gross violation of or non-compliance with the provisions of this Regulation;
- committing actions discrediting the activity of the Club.
6. Rights and Obligations
6.1 Members of the Club have right:
- to elect the management of the Club and to be elected;
- to participate in the development of obligatory measures and events;
- to make adjustments and suggestions for the most efficient work of the Club.
6.2 Members of the Club shall:
- follow the Regulation;
- actively contribute in solvent of the problems the Club faces;
- perform tasks of the Club.
6.3. Member of the Club terminates his/her membership by filing a statement to the Head of the Club.
6.4. Member of the Club is considered to be withdrawn since the submission of the application.
6.5. Members of the Club can be excluded:
- for activities contrary to the goals and objectives of the Club;
- for actions discrediting the Club, causing moral or material damage, as well as other actions that the Board of the Club, or its members deem sufficient for exclusion from the Club.
1. General Provisions
1.1 Student debating language society was created upon the decision of Students Development Center.
1.2 Language Club is a voluntary association of KAFU students and teachers created in order to improve knowledge of the state and foreign languages.
1.3. Work of the Club is based on the principles of voluntariness, equality, self-governance and the rules. The Club is free to determine their internal structure, forms and methods of their activities.
1.4. Club member can be any KAFU student who recognizes the Regulation and want to explore in depth a foreign language, to develop linguistic abilities and overcome the language barrier.
2. Objectives and Goals
2.1 The Club is created to promote the language among students, providing conditions for self-education of students and experience exchange;
2.2. The Club has the following objectives
- development of oratorical abilities of the members of the Club;
- consolidation of educational material;
- discussion of global political, youth, social and economic problems in foreign and state languages.
3. Structure
3.1 The Club consists of management and members of the Club. The Club management determines the time, place and subject of the meeting;
4. Meetings
4.1 Meetings are held at least once a week, according to the approval of Students Development Center and established schedule of meetings.
4.2 During the meetings current issues of the Club are settled, discussions are held, films are watched.
4.3 An extraordinary meeting can be held on the initiative of the Club with the obligatory warning about the meeting one day in advance.
5. Membership
5.1 KAFU students and teachers can become members of the Club.
5.2 Membership can be lost upon the decision of the Club`s management in the following cases:
- Voluntary withdrawal from the Club;
- Gross violation of or non-compliance with the provisions of the Regulation;
- Committing actions discrediting the activities of the Club.
6. Rights and Obligations of Members of the Club
6.1 Members of the Club have right to:
- Elect the management and be elected;
- Participate in the development of measures and Regulation;
- Make adjustments and suggestions for the most effective work of the Club.
6.2 Club members shall:
- Follow the Regulation;
- Actively contribute to solve the problems the Club faces;
- Perform the tasks.
- Not commit acts that violate the Regulation of the Club, ethics, friendly relations, as well as actions causing moral or material damage to the Club, refrain from activities contrary to the purposes and tasks proclaimed by the Club.
6.3 Member of the Club ceases to be a member by submitting a statement to the Head of the Club.
6.4 Member of the Club is considered to be withdrawn since the submission of the application.
6.5 Members can be excluded:
- for activities contrary to the goals and objectives of the Club;
- for actions discrediting the Club, causing moral or material damage, as well as other actions that the management of the Club or its members deem sufficient to exclude from the Club.
1. General Provisions
1.1 Psychological Club was created upon the decision of Students Development Center.
1.2 Psychological Club is a voluntary association, for carrying out independent work, round tables, practical training and other forms of work by volunteer- students, who are trained on the “Psychology” major.
1.3 The work of the Club is based on the principles of voluntariness, equality, self-governance and the rules of law. The Club is free to determine its internal structure, forms and methods of work.
1.4 Members of the Club can be any KAFU student who recognizes the Regulation and want to develop active citizenship, patriotism, a sense of social responsibility.
2. Goals and Objectives
2.1. Main goals of the Club:
- development of students` psychological community, professional training of socially oriented psychologists;
- increase of students` professional level;
- provision of free psychological help for KAFU students.
2.2.Main objectives of the Club:
- training practical skills of senior students, strengthening and deepening the knowledge gained by students in the course of theoretical training;
- professional orientation, adaptation and specialization of students;
- implementation of new methods for teaching students;
- creation of educational and methodical basis for the development of psychological education in KAFU;
- involvement of teachers of education programs.
3. Structure
3.1 The Club consists of the management and the members of the Club. The management consists of:
- Kazakh Department Coordinator;
- Russian Department Coordinator.
3.2 League coordinator sets time, place and subject of the meeting;
4. Meetings
4.1 Meetings are held at least once a week, according to the approval of Students Development Center and established schedule of meetings.
4.2 Current issues of the Club are solved during the meetings, as well as work-shops and seminars are held.
4.3 An extraordinary meeting can be held on the initiative of the Club with the obligatory warning about the meeting one day in advance.
5. Membership
5.1 Students of Kazakh American Free University, students of other schools, can become members with the approval of the departments’ coordinators.
5.2 Membership can be lost upon the decision of the Club`s management in the following cases:
- Voluntary withdrawal from the Club;
- Gross violation of or non-compliance with the provisions of this Regulation;
- Committing actions discrediting the activities of the Club.
6. Rights and Obligations of Members
6.1 Members of the Club have right to:
- Elect the management and be elected;
- Participate in the development of measures and Regulation;
- Make adjustments and suggestions for the most effective work of the Club.
6.2 Members of the Club shall:
- Follow the Regulation;
- Contribute actively to solve the problems the Club faces;
- Perform tasks set by the management of the Club;
- Not commit acts that violate the Regulation of the Club, ethics, friendly relations, as well as actions causing moral or material damage to the Club, refrain from activities contrary to the purposes and tasks proclaimed by the Club.
6.3 Member of the Club ceases to be a member by submitting a statement to the Head of the Club.
6.4 Member of the Club is considered to be withdrawn since the submission of the application.
6.5 Members can be excluded:
- for activities contrary to the goals and objectives of the Club;
- for actions discrediting the Club, causing moral or material damage, as well as other actions that the management of the Club or its members deem sufficient to exclude from the Club.
1. General Provision
1.1 The “Femida” Students Legal Clinic (hereinafter Femida) was created upon the decision of Students Development Center.
1.2 Femida is the basis for students’ independent work, round tables, practical training and other forms of work of volunteer-students, who are trained on the “Law” major.
1.3. The work of Femida is based on the principles of voluntariness, equality, self-governance and the rules of law.
1.4. KAFU full-time students, graduate students, university professors, who recognize the Regulation and want to consolidate and deepen the knowledge acquired during the theoretical training, can become members of Femida.
2. Goals and Objectives
2.1. The main goals of Femida are:
- development of students` community, protecting human rights; professional education of socially oriented lawyers;
- improvement of students professional level;
- free legal assistance to low-income citizens and non-profit organizations.
2.2. The main objectives of Femida are:
- training practical skills of senior law students, strengthening and deepening the knowledge gained by students in the course of theoretical training;
- professional orientation, adaptation and specialization of students;
- implementation of new methods for lawyers;
- creation of educational and methodical basis for the development of legal clinical education in KAFU;
- involvement of teachers into legal clinical education programs.
- development and testing of innovative programs, courses, training and education of lawyers using active learning methods.
- implementation of clinical teaching methods in the educational process;
- improvement of training quality on law majors;
- bringing up of profound respect for law, honor and dignity of the citizen, the responsibility for the fate of the people and the assigned work;
- legal education of the population.
3. Structure
3.1 Femida consists of the management and the members of the Club. The management consists of:
- Kazakh Department Coordinator;
- Russian Department Coordinator.
3.2 Department Coordinator is responsible for
- setting up time, place and subject of the meeting;
- setting up format and members of the meeting;
- distribution of tasks.
4. Meetings
4.1 Meetings are held at least once a week, according to the approval of Students Development Center and established schedule of meetings.
4.2 Current issues of the Club are solved during the meetings.
4.3 An extraordinary meeting can be held on the initiative of the Club with the obligatory warning about the meeting one day in advance.
5. Membership
5.1 Students of Kazakh American Free University, students of other schools can become members with the approval of the leagues coordinators.
5.2 Membership can be lost upon the decision of the Femida`s management in the following cases:
- Voluntary withdrawal from Femida;
- Gross violation of or non-compliance with the provisions of the Regulation;
- Committing actions discrediting the activities of Femida.
6. Rights and Obligations of Members
6.1 Femida`s members have right to:
- Elect the management and be elected;
- Participate in the development of measures and Regulation;
- Make adjustments and suggestions for the most effective work of Femida.
6.2 Members of Femida shall:
- Follow the Regulation;
- Contribute actively to solve the problems Femida faces;
- Perform tasks set by the management of Femida.
- Not commit acts that violate the Regulation of Femida, ethics, friendly relations, as well as actions causing moral or material damage to Femida, refrain from activities contrary to the purposes and tasks proclaimed by Femida.
6.3 Member of Femida ceases to be a member by submitting a statement to the Head of Femida.
6.4 Member of Femida is considered to be withdrawn since the submission of the application.
6.5 Members can be excluded:
- for activities contrary to the goals and objectives of Femida;
- for actions discrediting Femida, causing moral or material damage, as well as other actions that the management of Femida or its members deem sufficient to exclude from Femida.
1. General Provisions
1.1 The «Free Students» student newspaper of Kazakh American Free University (hereinafter Newspaper) was created upon the decision of Students Development Center.
1.2 The newspaper is a voluntary association, providing relevant information about KAFU students` life, problems, and events in KAFU and outside it for young people and KAFU staff accurately, timely.
2. Goals and Objectives
2.1 The newspaper was created to increase awareness of KAFU students and staff, about the activities of the students self – government and other units of
the university and public opinion in favor of raising the social significance of youth.
2.2 Newspaper`s objectives:
- development of information concepts on the basis of timeliness and relevance of the information in newspapers, its accessibility for KAFU students, faculty and staff;
- regular and objective coverage of students` life, as well as the most significant events in the life of KAFU;
- development and stimulation of students` activism in achieving the goals and objectives of KAFU students self – government, providing “feedback” of KAFU management and students.
3. Structure
3.1 The newspaper is edited by the editors, headed by the Chief Editor. Management of all the current activities of the newspapers is carried by the Chief Editor.
3.2 Editorial is created by Students Development Center. All university students can become members of the editorial board. Chief Editor is elected by
Students Development Centre from the number of students for one year and may be re-elected upon the decision of Students Development Centre.
3.3 The work of editors and Chief Editor is not paid.
3.4 Chief Editor reports regularly about the work of the Newspaper in front of Students Development Center and the Editorial.
4. The Frequency, Circulation and Format
4.1 The newspaper is published in accordance with the schedule for one calendar year approved by Students Development Centre, but not more often than once a month.
4.2 The volume of newspapers is not more than 20 bands.
4.3 Newspaper circulation is not more than 99 (ninety-nine) copies.
4.4 Corporate identity of publication meets the requirements of the University Brand book.
5. Material Support
5.1 The publication is funded by KAFU.
5.2 The paper can be extended on the territory of KAFU.
5.3 Editor in Chief shall comply with all requirements of the KAFU Charter, and the Regulation.
1. General Provisions
1.1 Activities of the «Liberti» tourist Club are to conduct various thematic meetings, presentations of interesting reports on tourism, local history, provide information about exhibitions, fairs, festivals and entertainment events, promoting the coordination and implementation of projects in the cultural field, the organization of campaigns, and events.
1.2. The Club is a non-governmental organization and carries out its work on the basis of initiatives and independency, the election of the governing bodies and their reporting on the meetings.
2.Goal and objectives
2.1. The goals of the Club are:
- assistance to the pedagogical staff of the University in training of young professionals, ready for professional and moral responsibility for the decisions taken, education of highly moral, spiritually developed and physically healthy personality;
- promotion of the effective implementation of the state youth policy, creation of conditions for the comprehensive development of university students;
- promotion of healthy lifestyles and involvement of students in active sport activities;
- bringing up of a spiritual personality.
2.2. Objectives:
- organization of interesting and purposeful leisure activities for students;
- creation of conditions for the education of comprehensively developed personality of student, the brining up character and strong will;
- creation of favorable sociological and psychological climate among students;
- promotion of progress and strengthening of discipline of students, increase of students’ interest in the acquisition of knowledge and education;
- foster sense of patriotism and national pride;
- raising civic consciousness and legal culture, respect for human rights and the individual, to faculty, history and traditions of the University;
- promotion of students` creative self-realization;
- promotion of physical culture and sports, healthy lifestyle;
- prevention of anti-social phenomena among students;
- support of students` initiatives;
- support of active life position and responsibility of students;
- participation in the creation of information space within the University.
3. Functions
3.1. Main Functions of the Club are:
- organization of sports trips, flights, trips, weekend training camps;
- organization and caring out of training sessions and training for rock climbing, orienteering, hiking, skiing, snowboarding, mountaineering;
- support of students` initiatives and, in case of necessity, consideration with KAFU management, and students` government;
- organization and conduction of sports competitions, bringing out the best athletes and their award;
- meetings of the Club are held at least once a month.
4. Formation and Organization of Work
4.1. The «Liberti» Tourist Club is formed on voluntary basis. People wanted to join the Club must submit an application, read the Regulation of the Club and the rules of behavior.
4.2. Exclusion from the «Liberti» Tourist Club Students can be excluded from the Club for misbehavior, misconduct and violation of the Regulation.
4.3. Head of the «Liberti» Tourist Club:
- is elected by the members of the Club from its members by a majority of votes;
- Elections are held once a year;
- After the removal of the Head of the Club from his position, elections shall be held not later than the expiration of one month from the date of the meeting in which such decision was taken;
- Before the vote, the Club considers all candidates. Each candidate should have a program of action for the «Liberti» Tourist Club, must identify shortcomings in the organization of the Club and ways to improve it;
- In the case of unsatisfactory performance of the Head, any student has the right to raise the issue of removing the Head from his position, prior informed about the reasons of dissatisfaction;
Functions of the Club`s Head:
- supervises the work of the Club and is personally responsible for its work;
- organizes and conducts the meetings of the Club;
- organizes trips, hiking and other activities.
4.7. Deputy Head of the Club:
- is appointed and dismissed by the Head of the Club;
- helps in every possible way and assists the President in carrying out the functions;
- replaces the Head at the meetings in his absence.
5. Rights and Obligations of Members
5.1. Each member has the right to:
- participate in all events organized by the Club;
- use public equipment and supplies;
- elect the Head of the Club and be elected.
5.2. Each member of the Club must:
- observe discipline and obey the orders of the Head of the Club and the instructors who teach classes;
- not use foul language;
- follow safety rules.
5.3. Each member of the Club must be familiar with the safety Regulation before participating in trainings, or competitions.
6.1. Funding is carried out by the Club, at the expenses of KAFU in accordance with the approved plans and estimates.
6.2. Additional funding is provided by the sponsors.
7. Termination of Work
The decision to terminate the Club`s work can be taken at a meeting of the Club.
1. General Provisions
1.1. KAFU Vocal Studio hereinafter “Vocal Club” is created upon the decision of Students Development Center.
1.2. “Vocal Club” is a voluntary, self-governing, student organization founded by the group of KAFU students, united on the basis of common spiritual interests and joint action to protect these common interests and to achieve the goals set out in the Regulation.
1.3. The activities of “Vocal Club” are based on the principles of voluntariness, equality, self-governance and the rule of law. “Vocal Club” is free to determine its internal structure, forms and methods of its work.
1.4. The motto of “Vocal Club” is “Are you, the students, ready to sing?” Answer: “Always ready!”
1.5. Any KAFU music lover, recognizing motto, present position and desired to sing and listen to other fans singing can be a member of “Vocal Club.”
2.Goals,Objectives and Activities
2.1. “Voice Club” was created in order to promote creative activities of its members, the union of vocal lovers, on the basis of their common interests for perfection members` skills, as well as additional training in music.
2.2. To achieve its goals, “Vocal Club” provides:
- studying vocal arts;
- perfection of vocal skills by means of lessons;
- creation of singing warm-up for improvement of the sound of the vocal cords;
- organization of systematic training for members of “Vocal Club;”
- organization and holding of shows;
- other areas, promoting development of vocal;
- communication between the Clubs, societies and other organizations.
2.3. In order to achieve the stated goals and objectives the members of “Vocal Club” have the right:
- to disseminate information about its activities freely;
- to represent and protect the rights and legitimate interests of its members and participants, as well as other people in the manner, prescribed by law;
- to take initiatives on various aspects of social life;
- to carry out charitable activities (including concerts, tours, etc.)
3. Membership
3.1. Members of the “Vocal Club” can be:
- KAFU students that share the goals of the “Vocal Club”, recognized in these Regulation;
- people to comply with the Regulation and regularly attending the classes.
3.2. Students are admitted to “Club Vocal” on the basis of personal expressions.
3.3. Acceptance is performed by the Head of the Club. Exclusion of members of the “Vocal Club” is performed by the Head of “Vocal Club.”
3.4. Head maintains records of members of “Vocal Club.” The basis for the listing and delisting of members of “Vocal Club” are the corresponding decision of the Head, as well as statements by members of “Vocal Club” to withdraw from “Vocal Club.”
4. Rights and Obligations of the Members
4.1 Members of “Vocal Club” have right:
- to use the support, protection and assistance of “Vocal Club;”
- to take part in the elections of managerial and supervisory bodies of “Vocal Club” and to be elected;
- to participate in events organized by “Vocal Club;”
- to make proposals relating to the activities of “Vocal Club” and participate in discussions and implementation of them;
- to obtain information about the activities of “Vocal Club;”
- to leave “Vocal Club” on the basis of their own desire.
4.2. Members of “Vocal Club” shall:
- comply with the Regulation of “Vocal Club;”
- participate in the events of “Vocal Club;”
- attend meetings and classes timely;
- fulfill the decisions of the management of “Vocal Club;”
- not commit acts that violate “Vocal Club” ethics of friendly relations, as well as actions causing moral or material damage to “Vocal Club”, refrain from activities contrary to the purposes and tasks proclaimed by “Vocal Club”.
4.3 A member of “Vocal Club” ceases to be a member by submitting a statement to the Head of “Vocal Club.”
4.4 A member of the “Vocal Club” is considered to be withdrawn from the Club since the submission of the application.
4.5 Members of “Vocal Club” can be excluded:
- for activities contrary to the goals and objectives of “Vocal Club;” systematic violation of safety;
- for actions discrediting “Vocal Club”, causing moral or material damage, as well as other actions that the management of “Vocal Club” or its members deem sufficient to exclude from the “Vocal Club.”
1. General Provisions
1.1. Volunteering is a fundament of civil society. It contributes in such spheres as peace, freedom, safety, fairness, promotes consolidation of human values.
1.2. Volunteer is a man with certain personal characteristics such as: readiness to help people and environment, commit self-sacrifice, is self-organized, responsible for himself and others.
1.3. KAFU Volunteering Association is a voluntary association of students, youth and adults, focused on human values and motivated by a desire to commit good deeds for the benefit of society.
2. Areas of Work
2.1. Organization of practical work of volunteers with disabled children, orphans, and the elderly;
2.2. Promotion of goodness, justice, mercy among the students;
2.3. Promotion of healthy life style among students;
2.4. Organization and carrying out socially significant events;
2.5. Prevention work with adolescents and young people from group of risk (talks, workshops, role games, discussions);
2.6. Expansion of social interaction and cooperation with charitable foundations and volunteers from other organizations;
2.7. Creation of conditions for self-realization of teen members of the organization by means of implementation of their skills and ability to benefit others;
2.8. Attraction of new adherents to participate in preventive work.
3. Center of Volunteering Club
3.1 Creation of conditions for students’ involvement in the World Volunteer Movement, as well as the revitalization and development of the volunteer movement;
3.2. Involvement of youth into socially significant activities;
3.3. Cultivation of ideas of proactive stance, skills of socially responsible behavior and promotion of values of humanism and a healthy lifestyle in the teenage and youth environment.
4. Aims of Volunteering Club
4.1. Consolidation of social facilities for volunteer troops and interaction with social services;
4.2. Development and implementation of effective mechanisms, forms and methods of prevention work, with various target groups of students;
4.3. Training of volunteer movement participants in the field of prevention of anti-social phenomena among youth and implementation of outreach and advocacy activities aimed to promote healthy lifestyles;
4.4. Organization and carrying out of socially significant activities: conducting youth events of various kinds, improvement of the city, charity events, etc.
4.5. Interaction with public prevention authorities, and public organizations interested in implementing activities of volunteer movement.
5. Members of Volunteering Club
5.1. KAFU students, accepting the ideas of voluntary movement and ready to implement them in practice, can become members of the Club;
5.2. Members of the Club can join volunteer groups for conducting of particular activities.
6. Members of Volunteering Club shall:
6.1. Follow the Regulation of the Club;
6.2. Be a model of behavior for others, have healthy life style, do good deeds, protect weak and offended, always be ready to help;
6.3. Be responsible for their behavior, and actions, admit equal rights of all people, work for improvement of the society;
6.4. Protect your reputation and dignity of the Club.
7. Principles of Work of Volunteering Club
7. 1. Lawfulness.
7.2. Voluntariness.
7.3. Club members` awareness of personal and social meaning of activity.
7.4. Continuity and consistency.
7.5. Publicity.
7.6. Self-government.
8. Management and Structure of KAFU Volunteering Association
8.1. Management of KAFU Volunteering Association is students’ government which works in cooperation with Students Development Center and KAFU management.
8.2. Meeting of Volunteers Council is holding monthly on the first week of a month. Extra meeting can be se in case of demand of a half of Club members, or requirement of the management.
Volunteers Council:
- Approves changes in Regulation of the Club;
- Determines main areas of work for an academic year;
- Approves new members of the Club.