
The structure of the KASU library is a network of resource centers:

Resource Center at 76 M.Gorky Street (reading room of the main building)

Resource Center for pr. Independence, 86 (College reading room)

Resource Center for pr. Bazhova, 86 (college reading room)

Resource center on the street 160 Voroshilova Street (dorm reading room)

And also:

Resource Center of World Languages and Literature;

Permanent exhibition “Heritage of regional authors”.

At the service of readers:

  • educational, methodical and scientific literature on specialties;
  • periodicals (more than 100 titles);
  • artistic literature;
  • literature on electronic media;
  • software products;
  • multimedia electronic publications.

Exhibitions are held in the library of the Cash Register:

  • annual “Graduate Week” in the areas of training;
  • thematic exhibitions dedicated to various events of the university, colleges;
  • permanent exhibition of the works of Academician NASRK, President of KASU Mambetkaziev E.A.;
  • permanent exhibitions of works PPS;
  • permanent exhibition “Heritage of regional authors” (68 Bazhova str.), dedicated to the study of the work of Mikhail Chistyakov and other regional authors.
Библиотека КАСУ
Ресурсный центр КАСУ
Ресурсный центр КАСУ