Pedagogics and Psychology department
The department implements training of following 6 Educations programs: “Kazakh Language and Literature”, “Russian Language and Literature”, “Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education”, “Psychology”, “Physical Education and Sport”, “Journalism” and one postgraduate program on “Psychology”. “Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education” Education program is implemented through educational multilingual program (in Kazakh, Russian and English).
Moral and psychological climate in the department allows organizing educational process, scientific and other educational activities at the highest level. The faculty of the department is constantly engaged in increasing their scientific and theoretical level, pedagogical skills taking refresher courses, research internships; they organize and participate directly in the preparation of textbooks, teaching aids and training manuals, work programs and other types of methodical work of the department; they take part in seminars, meetings and conferences, including international ones.
![выступление на кафедре](
Associate professors and senior lecturers of the Department provide training and methodological assistance to young teachers of the department in mastering their teaching skills and professional qualities.
Innovative training methods such as workshops, training seminars, business games and other interactive teaching methods are actively used, as well as information and communication technologies, and distance learning. Students are provided with all necessary educational and methodological materials. Teachers of the department use computer rooms, multimedia equipment, etc. for their lectures and seminars. Teaching and laboratory facilities of the department include special rooms of “Anatomy, Physiology and Physical Education”, “State Language Study”, “Desktop Sports”, “Ecology”, which increases the quality of educational process. Student Psychological Service as part of the department provides free psychological help. Practical and laboratory classes take place in specialized classrooms and teaching laboratories. They are equipped with the necessary equipment.
![работа на кафедре](
Students’ research work is an integral part of training qualified specialists able to solve professional and scientific problems independently. Main objectives of department’s research works are:
- conducting fundamental research, applied scientific research and innovation research;
- obtaining new knowledge through research and creative activity of scientific and pedagogical staff and students;
- implementation of research results in educational process;
- enrichment of educational process with latest scientific research result, introducing students to research process and involving them in this work.
Scientific and intellectual potential of the department is able to ensure these objectives achievement.
Research work of the teaching staff is carried out on theme recorded in the National Center of Scientific and Technical Information: “Problem of Psychological Support of the Formation of Gender Equality in Various Social Spheres.”
University faculty publishes its scientific works in various journals and participates in conferences, both national and international.
The department works in collaboration with schools of the city and region, resulting in publishing materials, methodological recommendations and guidelines. The department considers and recommends participation of school teachers in various university conferences. Teachers of the department review methodological manuals of school teachers, as well as participate in university activities as chairmen and secretaries of different clubs, chairmen and co-chairmen of jury in contests and competitions. The department cooperates with psychological centers, City Department of Education, Ust-Kamenogorsk Department of Culture and Development of Languages, Ust-Kamenogorsk Department of Physical Culture and Sports, military unit 27943.
![хор касу](
![уроки на кафедре](
![военная кафедра](
The department holds annual regional Olympiad on Kazakh language and literature among pupils of 10-11 grades and “Polyglot” City Olympiad on Kazakh, Russian and English languages among pupils of 8 grades of schools of the city (together with Foreign Languages Department).
![занятие на кафедре](
In addition to controlling academic discipline teachers help students focus on healthy lifestyle, self-development and self-improvement, encourage involvement and participation in social activities. The teachers of 5B010800 “Physical Education and Sport” organize the participation of KAFU students in local, regional, national and international sports competitions.
![Волейбольная команда](
![хоккейная команда](
Every year the department conducts the Week of Science and Art during which different seminars, round tables, workshops, sports competitions, meetings with famous poets, journalists, etc. are held.
The department has an experimental methodological base in the public association “Bliss” Psychology Center and East Kazakhstan Regional Sports School in Summer Sports. “Bliss” Psychology Center implements trainings, seminars, therapeutic work in the fields of family psychology, conflict prevention and domestic violence, relations harmonization. Cooperation with the Center helps improving the efficiency of qualified specialists training, strengthening practical orientation of educational process, as well as joint research and implementation of their results in practice.
The student scientific workshop “Teacher-Psychologist” exists and is constantly developing at the department. It is a voluntary organization of students, giving them the opportunity to realize themselves as young professionals with a view to further research activities. Work in the workshop helps students develop and disclose their potential, achieve success and professional growth. Most of students, who participate in academic workshop, state the following motives of their activities: cognitive interest and desire for self-realization.
The department interacts and cooperates with Altai State Pedagogical Academy, with the Siberian State University of Physical Education and Sports in the city of Omsk. E.N. Vdovina, senior lecturer of the Department cooperates with Moscow Gestalt Institute and is advisory methodologist at «Gestalt» psychological center. I.K.Matskevich, Associate Professor cooperates with UN Children’s Fund UNICEF and University of L’Aquila (Italy).