Tatyana Levina

Work Experience and Qualifications
1990-1995 – laboratory assistant of Research-House-Contractual theme of EKSU, the Institute for Teacher Improvement;
1994 – Teacher of Russian Language and Literature, State Institution “High School No. 20”
1996-1998 – Teacher of department “Russian as a Foreign Language”
1998 – 2000 – Teacher of EKSU, department of “Russian Language”
2000-2007 – Senior Lecturer, EKSU, Department of “Russian Language”
2000-2002 – Redactor of newspaper “Vesta”
2003 – present – Kazakh-American Free University. Master of Linguistics, Senior Lecturer of Pedagogy of Psychology department. Deputy Head of RD KAFU.
1990-1994 – East Kazakhstan State University named after S. Amanzholov. Faculty of Russian Philology and Journalism. Major: Teacher of Russian Language and Literature.
1994-1996 – Master’s course at East Kazakhstan State University named after S. Amanzholov. Faculty of Russian Philology and Journalism. Master’s degree in Russian Philology.
Additional Education, Further Education
- For the participation in Elsevier Science Direct and Scorus Training 18.03.2014. Gamze Keskin Turkey, Iran, Middle East and Central Asia;
- Participation in master class “Leadership in Learning Activity”, speaker – Marshal Christensen, March 28, 2014, No. 73;
- Certificate of participation in the “Assessment and Continious Improvement in Educational Programs”, speaker – David C. Houghton, Ph.D., Ust – Kamenogorsk, May 27, 2014 г.
- Certificate for participation in official Springer Authors Training (June12, 2015, Almaty, Kazakhstan)
- Certificate of participation in Elsevier Science Direct and Scopus Training held on 18 of March 2014 in the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Certificate for participation in master class “Prospects for Leadership Development”. Speaker – Robert Robak, Director of Strategic Resources Group, Inc., President of Resource Partners SRG Canada, Inc., CEO of Roebuck Garrett Investments and Roebuck and Associates, Inc., honorary professor of KAFU (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
- Certificate for participation in seminar “Brief Excursion into Research Design for Representatives of Social Sciences”, May 13, 2016 (KAFU, Center of Career and Personality Development), Reg. No. 2328
- Scientific activity
- Issuing editor of Republican scientific journal “Vestnik KAFU” and international scientific journal “KAFU Academic Journal” (USA). Scientific editor of works and materials of conferences published in university, as well as publishing series “Heritage of Regional Authors”, “Intellectual Heritage”.
Read disciplines
* Russian Language
* Introduction to Linguistics
* Dialectology of MRL
* Word Formation and Morphology of MRL
* Professional Russian Language
* Methods of Teaching Russian Language
Received Awards:
- Gratitude from Revival of Languages and Cultures School of Akimat of East Kazakhstan Region and House of Friendship of East Kazakhstan region for training and educating youth on moral and cultural traditions of Kazakhstan;
- Gratitude from literary association “Link of Altai” for contribution to upbringing the younger generation and development of literary creativity in region;
- Gratitude from the Department of Public Education for contribution to development of Ust-Kamenogorsk city;
- A letter of gratitude from deputy akim of East Kazakhstan Region for preserving poetic heritage and for developing ideas of regional literature and regional culture;
- A letter of gratitude from akim of Ust-Kamenogorsk city for high results in scientific and pedagogical work, many years of work in education system and significant contribution in highly qualified specialists trainings;
- A letter of gratitude from Institute for Advanced Training of Pedagogical Workers of EKR “Orleu” for contribution to organization and conduct of regional scientific and practical conferences on issues of continuity of education;
- Diploma from literary association “Link of Altai” for huge contribution to literary movement of East Kazakhstan;
- Certificate from East Kazakhstan Regional maslikhat for long-term conscientious work, in training highly qualified specialists.