Yelena Vdovina

Master of Psychology, Senior Lecturer
Pedagogical Experience in University – 14 years.
2000 – Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University. “Practical Psychology in Education Field” major, Defectologist.
2008 – Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University. 6N0503 – “Psychology” major, Master of Psychology.
Scientific Interests are Medical Psychology, Special Psychology, Defectology.
As part of teaching and methodological work teaching disciplines: Disciplines of “Psychology” and “Pedagogy” major.
As part of scientific research, Lecturer publishes printed works, including articles in journal “Vestnik KAFU”, abstracts in collections of scientific intra university and international conferences, methodical recommendations on teaching disciplines, educational and methodological complexes of disciplines, etc.
Annually, management of students’ diploma and course projects in “Psychology” major, normative control of works. Working as an adviser with students. Lecturer holds psychological consultations for students on complex life situations. Lecturer carries out professional orientation work in schools, colleges, universities. Lecturer annually participates in master-classes of international scientific congress on KAFU basis, week of science and creativity by “Psychology” Department, seminars. Lecturer has participation certificates in trainings seminars of Kazakhstan and foreign scientists. Lecturer is engaged in practical psychological and pedagogical activity in psychological centers, which ensures continuity of theory and practice and promotes more effective teaching activity.