“Global Media Savvy”: a course on media literacy from the American University of Bemidji and Kostanay Regional University. A. Baytursynova

From May 1 to May 28, 2024, 1st and 2nd year students of OP 6B01703 “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages” and 6B02301 “Translation Studies” of the Kazakh-American Free University completed an intensive MOOC on media literacy, developed by teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​in partnership with Bemidji University ( USA) and Kostanay Regional University named after. A. Baitursynov (Kazakhstan) within the framework of a grant project of the US Embassy in Kazakhstan. Completion of the course was marked by participation in the final “Global Media Savvy” seminar, which took place on May 28, 2024.

The Global Media Savvy workshop was conducted by international partners MarieTeresa Seig and Philip Boltz, as well as our local teachers. During the seminar, students demonstrated their acquired knowledge and skills, and also discussed current issues of media literacy at the global level.

During the course and during participation in the seminar, students learned:

  • Critically evaluate sources of information and distinguish reliable data from fake news.
  • Analyze media messages and understand hidden meanings and subtexts.
  • Create high-quality media content, observing ethical norms and standards of journalism.
  • Navigate in the media space of different cultures, which is especially important for intercultural communication.
  • Use modern digital tools to analyze and create media content.

This experience was an important step in the development of media literacy of our students, providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills to work successfully in the modern information society.

We thank all participants and partners for their contribution to organizing and conducting the course and seminar!

Department of Foreign Languages