International Scientific and Practical Conference at Alikhan Bokeikhan University
On November 25-26, 2022, Alikhan Bokeikhan University (Semey) hosted the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Legal Support for Sustainable Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan: National Priorities and International Standards”.
KAFU was represented by the faculty of the Department of Law and International Relations. Full-time participation in the conference was taken by the Head of the Department of Law and International Relations, PhD, Professor Kairat Alembaev, PhD, Associate Professor Botagoz Umitchinova and Master of Laws, Senior Lecturer Saveliy Muzhchil.
Among those who took part in the online format and prepared articles for publication in the collection of conference materials, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Professor Yuliya Gavrilova and PhD, Associate Professor Dinara Kozhuganova.
The International Scientific-Practical Conference was held at a high level due to the participation of leading local and foreign scientists.
We thank Alikhan Bokeikhan University for cooperation!
Department of Law and International Relations