IT Projects for Business “HubTech: Power of Modernity”

On April 24, 2024, the second day of defense of IT business projects took place in the Pitch Day format “HubTech: Power of Modernity” for KAFU business class students (11th grade), which were focused on current technological advances and their impact on modern society. Projects being presented are already beginning to change our world. The students demonstrated their knowledge in the field of business and IT, agricultural production, real estate sales, opening a medical office, selling sports nutrition, catering and flower business.

The event took place at the regional Oskemen IT Hub, where future startups of creative ideas and projects pitched to an audience and received assessment from competent experts. The experts of the event were: Ilona V. Bordiyanu, PhD, Professor, Head of the Business department, Ilyas Kalymbekov, marketer at «Terry Coffee», Ildar K. Gabdulin, Head of the B.I.M. agency, Zhanerke K. Aitkalieva – teacher of IT disciplines at the Business department of KAFU.

As a result, the commission distributed the places as follows:

1st place and a 50% discount on training were won by Daniil Filippov, Artem Shkaradenok, Anna Skidanenko – project in the field of agribusiness “GreenGrow”;

2nd place and a 30% discount on training were won by Dauren Malgazhdarov and Sergey Shcherbakov with the project “MedKomek” medical center;

3rd place and a 20% discount on training were shared by Yasmina Mukanova, Varvara Egorova, Kamila Utepova with the project “At Granny’s” and Anna Alekseeva, Adelina Molostova, Darina Sharapieva, Maria Rudakova with the project flower shop “Florist”.

All participants were awarded certificates for participation, and the sponsor was the «Terry Coffee» chain on Arbat, which gave a 20% discount for the purchase of coffee for a month.