KAFU Open House & Welcome Day: Day 4
On January 19, 2024, the fourth day of the “KAFU Open House & Welcome Day” event was held at the Kazakh-American Free University.
11th graders of a specialized school, Secondary School No. 27, Secondary School No. 26, Secondary School No. 30, Abai Secondary School No. 33, Secondary School No. 42, School-Center for Additional Education No. 48, Mukhamet Shayakhmetov Secondary School No. 23, Lev Gumilyov Gymnasium No. 38, Secondary School No. 8, Zaki Akhmetov Secondary School No. 16, Secondary School No. 24.
As part of the career guidance event, school students visited the main educational building of KAFU, where they took part in exciting competitions, trainings and workshops. They also received information about the benefits of the university’s international partnerships, asked questions about admission, opportunities to study abroad, study foreign languages, and took part in an interesting psychological game.
The students felt the atmosphere of an academic environment and discussed the educational process at the university with experienced specialists. During the event, participants not only expanded their knowledge, but also had the opportunity to win valuable prizes and souvenirs.
During the event, participants not only enriched their knowledge but also had the opportunity to win valuable prizes and souvenirs.