KAFU Participation in the International Discussion Round Table
On February 28, 2025, faculty members of the Kazakh-American Free University took part in the Discussion Round Table with international participation “Practices of Leadership, Volunteering, Mentoring, Individualization and Tutoring as Options for Co-Creation: Contexts of Motivation and Working with a Personal Future in Education”. The event was organized by the Moscow City Pedagogical University (MCPU) within the framework of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference “Co-Creativity in Education, Management and Business: Motivation Equation”.
The format of the discussion table included in-person participation in Moscow, as well as the online connection of experts and participants. KAFU presented student leadership practices and also acted as a co-organizer of the event. The speakers from the university were:
Daniel Ballast – Vice President of KAFU;
Natalya P. Urazova – Vice-Rector for Youth Policy;
Yelena V. Shikhotova – Director of the Linguistic Center of KAFU.
Yulia A. Gavrilova – moderator of the event from KAFU, PhD in Law, Vice-Rector for Research and Postgraduate Education.
During the discussions, important aspects of educational co-creativity, leadership, mentoring, tutoring and volunteering, their role in the formation of personal educational directions and motivation were touched upon.
For KAFU, participation in such international events is an opportunity to strengthen academic ties, exchange experiences and present innovative educational practices in the international arena.