Master class on the topic “Advertising photography”
On April 4, 2024, a master class on the topic “Advertising Photography” was held for 2nd year students of the Kazakh-American Free University educational program “Journalism”.
In order to implement practice-oriented training, senior teacher of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Misevra L.A. The famous commercial photographer Inna Mamedova was invited.
During the master class, students received theoretical knowledge about basic camera settings (the concepts of ISO, shutter speed, exposure, focus), analyzed the features of frame composition, light, background, learned working tools and life hacks of a practicing photographer. The acquired knowledge was immediately consolidated in a practical lesson. Students practiced portrait and product photography, acquired the skills of establishing contact with a model, constructing a frame and composition.
We thank Inna Mamedova for the formation and development of professional photography skills of KAFU students!
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