Meaningful Meeting within the Framework of the Course “Inclusive Education”
On October 22, 2024, 3rd-year students of the pedagogical educational programs of the Kazakh-American Free University, under the guidance of Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Zhanar K. Sadanova, visited the “Secondary specialized school No. 45” of the education department of the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk of the education department of the East Kazakhstan region.
The students were met by the speech therapist-defectologist of the school Lira M. Zhalaushinova and the educational psychologist Berikzhan Ye. Akhmetova. They introduced the students to the special rooms of the school. They provided detailed information about the features of working with children with special needs and interaction with their parents.
Lira M. Zhalaushinova spoke in detail about the types and content of documents filled out when working with special children and shared thefeatures of the speech therapist profession.
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology