Meeting on countering the shadow economy and financial risks held at KAFU

On September 19, 2024, a meeting was held at the Kazakh-American Free University dedicated to current issues of combating the shadow economy, preventing the activities of financial pyramids, gambling and ludomania. The event was attended by students, young deputies and members of youth public organizations interested in protecting themselves from financial risks.

The meeting was moderated by the director of the “Youth Resource Center” of the Internal Policy Department of the East Kazakhstan Region, Aidos Adilbekov. The Head of the Department of Economic Investigations for the East Kazakhstan Region Aidyn Moldabekov made a report. The human rights commissioner and heads of public organizations also spoke.

Viktor Dak, Head of the «Antares A» Foundation, shared his experience in combating financial fraud and protecting consumer rights. The meeting was concluded by the mentor of the project “Qaryssyz Qogam” Ermek Zhumagulov, who spoke about methods of preventing debt addiction. The event was held in the format of a lively dialogue, emphasizing the importance of increasing financial literacy among young people and developing measures to protect against financial threats.