Regional Competition of Pedagogical Excellence “I Choose Sport!” among Students in East Kazakhstan Colleges Majoring in “Physical Education and Sports”
On December 12, 2023, a Regional Competition of pedagogical excellence “I Choose Sport!” was held at the sports hall of the Kazakh-American Free University. among college students of East Kazakhstan region.
The purpose of the competition is to identify and encourage competitive talented college students studying in the specialty “Physical Culture and Sports”.
During the competition, which consisted of 5 stages, the teams presented a business card, developed a lesson plan (a short-term lesson plan), demonstrated the skills of conducting a fragment of the main part of a physical education lesson, showed an aerobic dance fragment (flash mob) as an element of a mass sports event, carried out sports relay race “Fun Starts”.
Based on the results of the Competition, the following prizes were determined:
1st place – “Abai Kyrandary” team (East Kazakhstan Abai Humanitarian College);
2nd place – “Strength” team (Higher College of the Kazakh-American Free University);
3rd place – “Amanzholov” team (Higher College of S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University).
Higher College KAFU