Summing up the results of the project “Profile class KAFU”-2024
Today, one of the key criteria for successful professional training of young people is continuous education, which allows a person to actively participate in all social changes. Schools in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk and the East Kazakhstan region have a unique opportunity to realize their potential through close cooperation with the Kazakh-American Free University.
Thanks to the continuity of the learning process in the “school-college-university” system, in this 23-24 academic year, the educational project “KAFU Profile Classes” was implemented for students in grades 10 and 11. This project involved getting to know the university a year before admission. During the academic year, the children got acquainted with all the educational programs that are available at our university. And the main task of the university was to show the features and attractiveness of each of these educational programs directly from the inside, from the KAFU teachers themselves. The idea of opening specialized classes at KAFU belongs to the president of KAFU, Erezhep Alkhairovich Mambetkaziev.
Erezhep Alkhairovich allowed the opening of these classes free of charge. Today, being school graduates, the guys received their first document, but not a Certificate of completion of high school, but a Diploma of completion of a specialized class from KAFU. This diploma will allow them not only to enter our university, but also to receive a personalized discount on tuition.
At the solemn ceremony dedicated to the presentation of diplomas of the specialized class, Erezhep Alkhairovich Mambetkaziev, president of KAFU, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, delivered a welcoming speech; Daniel Ballast, vice president of international relations and programs; Baikenov Zhasulan Erbolovich, first vice-president of KAFU, Nesterenko Natalia Aleksandrovna, adviser to the rector of KAFU, The director of secondary school No. 39 named after Y. Altynsarin Abyurov Gulmira Kairkanovna and the director of secondary school No. 49″ Kadirova Aigul Chulenbaevna.
At the event, the directors of the project’s partner schools were also awarded a letter of gratitude on behalf of the KAFU President.
KSU “East Kazakhstan Specialized Boarding School-College of the Olympic Reserve for Gifted Children in Sports” – Abdygaliev Odil Bagdatuly.
By choosing our university, you are choosing an institution that prepares competent, mobile, critical thinkers and creative students who are able to make informed decisions and become leaders of the 21st century. At the Kazakh-American Free University, you have the opportunity to set the most ambitious goals for yourself to achieve an elite education.
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