The XIV International Forum of Young Scientists began work at KAFU
From April 8 to April 12, 2024, the Kazakh-American Free University is hosting the XIV International Forum of Young Scientists “Modern scientific directions: from applied research to innovation.” This large-scale event is timed to coincide with the Day of Science Workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the 30th anniversary of the university.
Training specialists who possess not only professional competencies, but also research skills and the ability to effectively apply theoretical knowledge in a real practical environment is a modern requirement. In this regard, KAFU places special emphasis on the development of research work and the creation of an innovative research environment.
The annual International Forum of Young Scientists of KAFU is part of the educational process and research activities of students, allowing them to develop their cognitive needs, instill an interest in science and master the culture of independent scientific activity, which is important for the personal and professional development of future specialists.
The traditional week of science and creativity of students, undergraduates, doctoral students and teachers at the Kazakh-American Free University allows us to integrate the potential of effective forms of conducting scientific seminars, master classes, lectures by foreign teachers, round tables and dialogue platforms for the scientific community, young scientists and researchers. This year, a whole series of events will also take place on the sidelines of the forum.
Thus, the first day of the XIV International Forum of Young Scientists of KAFU “Modern scientific directions: from applied research to innovation” opened the master class “Formation of leadership skills through science: the path to success.” It was conducted by the vice-president of international programs of KAFU, director of the Co-Serve International organization Daniel Ballast.
The opening of the event was attended by the President of KAFU, Academician of HAH PK Erezhep Alkhairovich Mambetkaziev. He greeted the participants of the master class and wished them success in all their endeavors, including scientific activities.
In the format of an educational discussion, first-year students became familiar with new concepts, considered the relationship between science and leadership, and the importance of developing leadership qualities in scientific activities.
– Leadership is both a science and an art. A number of studies have been devoted to this topic. For example, which form is most effective, how to build your path to success in science,” explained Daniel Ballast. – And today we discussed this with the students at the master class.
The forum’s work schedule is very intensive. On the second day of the forum, April 9, the International Scientific Seminar “Gender Dimension of Economic and Demographic Development of Kazakhstan” will be held, as well as a master class “The Relationship between Leadership and Scientific Activities.”
On April 10, representatives of all stakeholders in the field of education will take part in the International Round Table “Inclusive Education: Features and Development Prospects.” On this day, a dialogue platform “Friendship of Peoples is the basis of stability and prosperity of Kazakhstan” will also be organized.
On April 11, as part of the report-presentation “Experience of studying abroad,” KAFU students will tell students of schools and colleges in East Kazakhstan about internship opportunities abroad while studying at the university.
During the forum, invited foreign teachers will give a number of lectures on current topics.
The key event of the week of science will be the Plenary session of the XIV International Forum of Young Scientists “Modern scientific directions: from applied research to innovation” with the participation of representatives of the scientific community of Kazakhstan, as well as countries of the near and far abroad.
It will present a number of thematic reports on priority issues covering a new, actively developing area of research in the field of artificial intelligence. There will also be a master class “Use of artificial intelligence in science” and a summary of the results of the Regional poster competition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the university “Kazakh-American Free University: past, present, future.”
As part of the XIV International Forum of Young Scientists, the library of the Kazakh-American Free University hosts an exhibition of scientific and methodological works of students, undergraduates, doctoral students and university teachers.
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