Debate Tournament “Youth of an Independent Country”
On December 11, 2022, a city debate tournament dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held at the Kazakh-American Free University. The debate tournament was held with the support of the KAFU Rector.
Debate is one way to get young people to take the lead. At present, it is important that the youth openly express their thoughts and speak freely. Debates motivate our youth to be flexible and politically literate.
The main goals of the intellectual competition are the practical preparation of debate participants for future tournaments, the development of the debate movement in the East Kazakhstan region, the education of tolerance and civic consciousness among young people.
The tournament was attended by 2 universities, 3 colleges and 3 schools.
Format of the debate tournament – British Parliament Format and the format of Lincoln-Douglas. The panel of judges was made up of experienced debaters of the region, members of the debate club “Zhalyn”.
According to the results of the tournament, the winners are determined:
1st place – Talgar Erbolat and Ersin Kenzhekhan ;
2nd place – Alem Alipbaev and Aida Dastankyzy ;
3rd place – Dilnaz Mukhamedrakhimova and Zhuldyzai Turmanbetova.
The best speaker of the game was Akerke Kurmanbekkyzy .
Student Development Center