Oskolkova Anna

Work experience and qualifications
- September 2006-January 2007 – Technical and Economic College, English teacher
- January – May 2007 – GU Gymnasium School No. 10, English teacher
- since September 2007 – to date — Kazakh-American Free University, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages.
- 2003-2007 – S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University, specialty “Foreign Language: two foreign languages”
- 2007-2009 — Kazakh-American Free University, Master’s degree, specialty “Foreign language: two foreign languages
- 2013-2014 – Kazakh-American Free University, Master’s degree, specialty “Management”
Additional education, advanced training
2006-2007 – Translation courses at EKSU.
November 2, 2007 – May 22, 2008 Advanced training according to the Program of professional development of the CDO of KASU “Examination and updating of scientific and methodological support of the educational process in KASU”, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan.
Attendance of scientific and methodological seminars of the KASU 2009-2010 academic year.
February- May 2011 — Distance learning courses at Indiana Wesleyan University (USA) in the discipline “Organizational behavior”.
October 2011 – Leadership Training courses.
January 2012 – May 2012 – Mentoring program under the Leadership Academy program.
July 2012 – Summer Leadership Academy in Portland (Oregon, USA).
April 2013 – master class “Managing student grades and performance with computers” (Patrick Mitchell).
April 2013 – seminar “Levels of learning, methods and critical thinking” (William Yant).
May 2013 – seminars “Recent discoveries in brain science related to learning process”, “Academic writing and research” (William Yant).
September 2013 — Participation in a seminar for teaching staff “Formation of leadership qualities in the learning process” (Marshall Christensen); participation in an open lesson by visiting teacher Joshua Voltz “7 Laws of the Teacher” for 3rd year students of the specialty “Foreign language: two foreign languages”.
September 2013 — participation in the master class “Vital moments for students during higher education” (Marshall Christensen), “Seven Rules of successful Learning” (Joshua Voltz) within the framework of the International Scientific Congress “Education and Innovation in the context of International Partnership”; participation in the program of socially responsible leadership (International Servant Leadership Program, September 2011-June 2013).
October 2013 — participation in the seminar “Teaching Academic English” (Macmillan seminar).
January 2014-Certificate. Participation in the seminar: “Rubrucs for Assessment”. Carol Marque. U.S. Embassy. Certificate. Participation in the seminar: “Technology yn ESL Classroom”. Carol.
Marque. U.S. Embassy. Certificate. Participation in the seminar: “Tıps for Teachıng Pronouncıatıon”. Bee Jenkins. U.S. Embassy.
March 2014 — Participation in the regional scientific and practical conference “Continuing education: innovative approaches in the School-College-University system”, in the master class “Intellectual features of learning” (Lou Foltz, March 27, 2014), “Interaction with students as a means of learning” (Marshall Christensen, March 28, 2014 G.), “Leadership in Educational activities” (Daniel Ballast, March 28, 2014).
March 2014 — “Building students’ critical thinking skills”, “Developing essential skills for academic success” (Macmillan seminar, March 14, 2014).
April 2014 — Participation in the seminar “How can we make students speak? Using critical thinking to encourage fluency», “Bringing business English to life”, “Vocabulary – the real challenge for high-level learners”.
April-May 2014 — Participation in the competition “The best teacher of KASU”.
May 2014 – certificates. Seminars “Modern Trends in Business Education”, “Assessment and Continuous Improvement in Education Programs”, “Marketing Strategy: Consumer’s Oriented Decision Making” (David Houghton, PhD).
February 21-22, 2015 — I International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference, Ukraine, Internet Conference “Trends and prospects for the development of science and education in the context of globalization” (certificate).
March 26, 2015 — Seminar: Recent Trends in Teaching Methods Instructional and Goals, Personality and Career Development Center.
March 27- April 2, 2015 — Seminar: The Technological Generation and Sustaining Student Attention, KASU, Personality and Career Development Center.
May 9, 2015 — Master class: Creative Assignments for Conversational English, KSU “Secondary School No. 24”, Akimat of Ust-Kamenogorsk.
June 22 — August 28, 2015 — “Critical Thinking” (distance course, University of Oregon, certificate).
September 25-26, 2015 — participation in the International Scientific Congress “International Partnership: Research, Innovation and Education” (“Advantages and disadvantages of the innovative learning model “Inverted classroom”, Stuart Chen; “Approaches to vocabulary teaching in foreign language learning”, Kathleen Hyde).
October 7, 2015 — participation in a seminar on Thomson Reuters resources (“How to find journals with an impact factor for publishing articles”, “How to design articles with the EndNote Online program”).
October 24-26, 2015 — participation in the 3-day course “Research Connect” — Know Your Audience, Persuasive Proposal, Academic Collaboration (Tara Mitchell, Dilara Woodward).
November 9, 2015 — presentation at the regional seminar “Multilingualism is the key to success” with the report “Critical Thinking in English Language Teaching”.
December 15, 2015 — McMillan Publishing webinar — “Grammar Goals: Grammar is excellent!”
December 22, 2015 — participation in the seminar “Problems and prospects of development of multilingual personality in childhood”.
December 23, 2015, January 14, 2016 – master class for the faculty of KASU “Scientific cooperation project” (Iskanderova F.V., Oskolkova A.A.).
January 20, 2016 — seminar for English language teachers of Ust-Kamenogorsk schools — “Innovative technologies in teaching a foreign language”.
March 15, 2016 — holding a seminar for students of 2-3 courses of specialty 5B011900 “Foreign language: two foreign languages” — “English Language Teaching Methods”.
March 25, 2016- participation in the VI Forum of Young Scientists.
March 29, 2016 — participation in the Round Table meeting — “Introduction of trilingual education: experience, problems and prospects” within the framework of the Regional Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovation in the system: “School-College-University”: problems and trends”.
April 2, 2016- participation in the master class of the invited teacher Kathleen Hyde – “Successful Instruction for English Language Learning”.
April 8 — participation in the master class “Transforming Learning for the 21st Century” (Mike Thiruman, Educare International Consultancy, Singapore).
April 4-16 (distance course), April 18-30, 2016 (full—time course) – advanced training course “Modern pedagogical technologies” (240 hours, Almaty, JSC “National Center for Advanced Training “Orleu”).
May 13, 2016- participation in the seminar “A brief excursion into research design for representatives of the social sciences”.
May 16 — June 9, 2016 — Leadership of the “International Leadership Program” (Co-Serve International, KASU, Oklahoma Baptist University).
Scientific activity
UMKD: more than 40 publications
Articles, abstracts: more than 50 publications.
Membership in various communities and professional organizations:
Association of English Language Teachers (since September 2007).
Subjects to be read:
- Basic basic foreign language
- Literature of the country of the studied language and translation problems
- Internet in a foreign language lesson
- Language for special/academic purposes
- Translation practice
- Modern methods of teaching a foreign language
- Foreign language
- Regional geography
- Private theory of translation
Language proficiency:
- Russian (fluent)
- English (fluent)
- German (second foreign language)
- Kazakh (with dictionary)
PC skills:
- Microsoft Word/Excel
- PowerPoint
- Internet (at the user level)