Young teacher school
“Young Teacher School” resumed its work in Kazakh American Free University. Classes are designed to help young teachers of the University to study various aspects of methodical, scientific and educational work at the university.
More experienced teachers provide training and methodological assistance to young teachers in mastering teaching skills and professional qualities.
The work plan for “Young Teacher School ” for 2023-2024 academic year includes 10 sessions in the form of workshops, lectures, seminars and round tables. Students discuss basic techniques of teaching at the university, as well as practical situations faced by teachers as part of the educational process, share their experience of applying various methods of activating students’ intellectual performance.
Work plan Training School for young teachers 2023-2024 Academic year
№ | Topic | Form | Speaker | Deadlines |
1 | Forms and methods of student-centered learning | Lecture | Menzyuk G.A., candidate of legal sciences, professor | February, 2024. |
2 | Psychological aspects of the formation of pedagogical competencies | Training | Vdovina E.N., associate professor | March, 2024. |
3 | use of modern information technologies in the educational process | Lecture | Trofimova Yu.V. Director of the Center for Information Support and Digital Educational Technologies | April, 2024. |
4 | Organization of research work at the university | Seminar | Gavrilova Yu.A. candidate of legal sciences, professor | May, 2024. |
5 | Corporate culture | Lecture | Umitchinova B.A. Head of the Human Resources Department, PhD | May, 2024. |