Pedagogy and Psychology Undergraduate

Educational program6В01301 “Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education”
Department Pedagogy and psychology
Profile SubjectsBiology and geography
Educational program “Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education”The profession of a primary school teacher requires a specialist to combine many qualities, both personal and professional. The primary school teacher lays the foundation for all future knowledge of a person, forms his worldview, and begins the social adaptation of the child.
Advantagescontribution to the education of the future generation;creative work;Ample opportunities to change jobs or the very field of activity.highly paid positionPractice -oriented training, which allows the formation of both general cultural and professional competencies;International programs: internships, business practices, academic mobility and double-diploma programs;Additional specialization (minor) – “English in the field of professional communication.Affordable tuition.
Career opportunitiesPrimary school teachers work in general educational institutions, specialized schools and kindergartens, institutions of culture and additional education, and private schools.
Educational program6В01701 “Kazakh Language and Literature”
Department Pedagogy and psychology
Profile SubjectsKazakh language and Kazakh literature
Educational program “Kazakh Language and Literature”​After graduating, you will begin to understand the main aspects related to the most advanced knowledge in the field of studying the Kazakh language and literature, the goals of scientific methodology, research and practical methods of professional activity. Also, the scientific foundations of the organization of labor, as you will be able to analyze and synthesize information, pedagogical, psychological and methodological norms and methods of training and education, learn about modern scientific and educational materials for programs of higher and secondary school education. In addition, you will have an idea about the significance of culture, its role in human activity, the cultural heritage of mankind and its values.
Advantagesthe possibility of implementing individual entrepreneurial activities in the field of educational services;a wide choice of places for employment;stable work;Demanded specialty;highly paid positionPractice -oriented training, which allows the formation of both general cultural and professional competencies;International programs: internships, business practices, academic mobility and double-diploma programs;Additional specialization (minor) – “English in the field of professional communication.Affordable tuition.
Career opportunitiesWhere graduates can work:
• Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature;
• Educational activities (pedagogical) – teaching the Kazakh language and literature in secondary schools, vocational schools, colleges;
• TV journalist;
• Journalist and literary critic
• Referent translator
• Office work
• Guide in the museum
• Librarian
Educational program6В01702 “Russian Language and Literature”
Department Pedagogy and psychology
Profile SubjectsRussian language and Russian literature
Educational program “Russian Language and Literature”Today, being a teacher is fashionable. Advanced technologies, innovative approaches to teaching, updating educational trends make this profession one of the most prestigious and in demand among young people. Choosing the profession of a teacher of language and literature, you will always do what you love, remaining a sought-after competitive specialist. None of your working day will be similar to the previous one.
AdvantagesDemanded in the labor marketstable work;highly paid positionPractice -oriented training, which allows the formation of both general cultural and professional competencies;International programs: internships, business practices, academic mobility and double-diploma programs;Additional specialization (minor) – “English in the field of professional communication.Affordable tuition.
Career opportunitiesObjects of professional activity:Secondary general education schools;Secondary vocational organizations;professional schools;gymnasiums;Lyceums;Colleges.
Educational program6В03102 “Psychology”
Department Pedagogy and psychology
Profile SubjectsBiology and geography
Educational program “Psychology”The demand for psychologists in Kazakhstan is growing every year. The mission of this educational program is to train personnel who have mastered the methods and forms of organizing the mental phenomena of a person in various areas of human activity. As well as owning methods for assessing mental phenomena and able to correct them. Psychologists help to find harmony, better understand a loved one, and quickly find a way out of a tense situation.
AdvantagesAn interesting work from a scientific and practical point of view.Helping people and making them happy.Knowledge of the causes of actions, people’s behavior, the formation of a philosophical attitude to external events.highly paid positionPractice -oriented training, which allows the formation of both general cultural and professional competencies;International programs: internships, business practices, academic mobility and double-diploma programs;Additional specialization (minor) – “English in the field of professional communication.Affordable tuition.
Career opportunitiesA certified specialist is in demand in many areas:Medical clinicsPsychological assistance servicesPrivate and municipal educational institutions.The career growth of a psychologist depends on the improvement and expansion of his skills, the methods he uses, and the demand for his services. At an enterprise, such a specialist can grow from an ordinary employee to the head of the HR service, deputy head of personnel matters. A successful psychologist may eventually open his own commercial office for the provision of psychological assistance.
Educational program6В03202 “Archiving and Library and Information Activities”
Department Pedagogy and psychology
Profile SubjectsKazakh language and Kazakh literatureRussian language and Russian literature
Educational program “Archiving and Library and Information Activities”Librarianship is a branch of information, cultural, educational activities of the society. It includes the creation and development of a network of libraries, the formation and processing of library collections, the organization of library, information and reference and bibliographic services for library users. Specialists of this educational program prepare library personnel, scientific and methodological support for the development of libraries.
AdvantagesThe ability to read a lot of books, broaden your horizons.Work in a relaxed, pleasant environment.Opportunity to engage in scientific activities simultaneously with the main work.Practice -oriented training, which allows the formation of both general cultural and professional competencies;International programs: internships, business practices, academic mobility and double-diploma programs;Additional specialization (minor) – “English in the field of professional communication.Affordable tuition.
Career opportunitiesLibrarianship can perform the following types of professional activities:
– organizational and managerial;
– scientific and methodological;
– information;
– research;
– industrial-practical;
– educational (pedagogical);
– managerial
Educational program6B01401 “Physical Culture and Sports”
Department Pedagogy and psychology
Profile SubjectsCreative exams
Educational program “Physical Culture and Sport”​The mission of the educational program is the formation of teachers of physical culture and sports, training an educated healthy generation of the state, and actively promoting the socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This specialty forms ecological, physical, ethical, legal culture and culture of thinking. As well as fundamental knowledge, skills and abilities necessary in professional activities
Advantagespossess knowledge in the field of pedagogical goal-setting, skills in designing and implementing a holistic pedagogical processbe capable of positive thinking, attached to the system of national values, committed to ethical values, prone to humanism and optimismpossess knowledge in the field of synergistic, social, pedagogical systems, skills and search skillspossess knowledge in the field of epistemology, methodology, pedagogy and psychologyPractice -oriented training, which allows the formation of both general cultural and professional competencies;International programs: internships, business practices, academic mobility and double-diploma programs;Additional specialization (minor) – “English in the field of professional communication.Affordable tuition.
Career opportunitiesSphere of professional activity:Physical education;Sports (mass sports, youth sports, Paralympic sports).Objects of professional activity:State, public, private educational organizations (preschool, general education, technical and professional, post-secondary), children’s sports schools and clubs;State institutions, governing bodies of physical culture and sports activities.
Educational program6В03201 “Journalism”
Department Pedagogy and psychology
Profile SubjectsCreative exams
Educational program “Journalism”Journalism is a profession for creative people. A journalist is one who always keeps his finger on the pulse, learns all the news very first and knows how to tell the whole world about them. Journalism is one of the most interesting professions, which has many specializations – from working in a newspaper or a fashion magazine to the largest media holdings and Internet sites.
AdvantagesInteresting and creative work.Highly paid jobCommunication with interesting people, a wide circle of acquaintances.Always in the center of events.Practice -oriented training, which allows the formation of both general cultural and professional competencies;International programs: internships, business practices, academic mobility and double-diploma programs;Additional specialization (minor) – “English in the field of professional communication.Affordable tuition.
Career opportunitiesObjects of professional activity:Domestic and foreign electronic and print media;Domestic and foreign publishing houses and printing complexes;Press services of domestic and foreign state, commercial and public organizations;Structures and departments for public relations;Advertising agencies;Network information structures.Graduates can work:Mass media: newspapers, magazines, radio, television, online publicationsPublishersNews agencies