Fatima Iskendirova

1996г.-2001 – Graduated East Kazakhstan State University with a degree in Psychology: Practical Psychologist in the Field of Education.
2007 -2009 – Master’s degree of KAFU, major “Management”.
2009-2012 – PhD in KAFU, major “Management”. In 2013 defended doctoral thesis on “System Approach in the Formation of Corporate Security at the Enterprise.”
2003 – present Assistant Professor at Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of KAFU. F. V. Velibekovna has more than 90 scientific papers, including a publication in foreign journals with a non-zero impact factor (Kiev, Ukraine). Among scientific works: monograph “System of Corporate Security. Questions of Theory, Methodology, Practice” is intended as methodical aid for undergraduates studying for major “Management “, and training manual “Fundamentals of Corporate Security “.
Since 2007, the teacher has introduced innovative case-study technology into learning process.
Since 2003 constantly improves qualifications in framework of professional practice. There are certificates, including “Training for Trainers”, “Key Management Skills”, “Certification of Management Consulting”, “Shadow Economy and Economic Security”, “Evaluation of Effectiveness and Ways to Improve Educational Programs of University”.
F. V. Velibekovna participated in course of raising qualification level of leading employees in sphere of economy of Republic of Kazakhstan, Leadership courses, etc.
She was awarded with diploma “Оқу – тәрбие жұмысын ұйымдастыру мен жетілдірудегі жемісті еңбегі үшін” (2014)
Since 2006 the teacher had been carrying out consulting activities in role of business trainer for enterprises of Republic of Kazakhstan on issues of organization and development of organization, personnel audit, selection and placement of personnel.