Association plan

The work plan of the Alumni Association of the Kazakh-American Free University “Alma Mater”

 1Approval of work plan of the graduates Association on 2016-2017 academic yearSeptember 2017President of the Association Klimova T.V.
2Assistance on interaction with state, business organizations to promote the employment of graduatesDuring an academic yearMembers of the Association
3Helping departments with the organization of professional training and pregraduation internship, conclusion of a treatyDuring an academic yearMembers of the Association
4Working with companies and institutions of East Kazakhstan for organizing training (professional training) of personnel on the base of career and personality development center and Business Education of KAFUDuring an academic yearMembers of the Association
5Arrangement the participation of Association members in making decisions on the development of the University in the scope of  “KAFU development Strategy for 2018-2022″During a yearPresident of the Association Klimova T.V.
6Promotion and organization of “Job Fairs” for graduatesMarch – April 2018Secretary of the Association 
7Working with companies and institutions of East Kazakhstan on searching vacancies for KAFU graduatesDuring an academic yearMembers of the Association
8Participation in institutional studies of employers to identify leaders of enterprises and organizations, to assess the quality of KAFU training specialists.April 2018Members of the Association
9Tracking professional career of KAFU graduates.  Updating existing data bank about the graduates.During an academic yearSecretary of the Association
10Improving the KAFU image by broad promotion of educational and scientific achievements of the university, success of graduates – managers of large companies and organizations.During an academic yeaMembers of the Association, Marketing and enrollment department, publishing center
11Attracting (together with the departments) sponsors among graduates for development of logistical and training facilities of the universityDuring a yearDuring a year
12Organization of businesses presentations to senior  studentsFebruary 2018President of the Association Klimova T.V.
13Organization of businesses presentations to senior  studentsMarch 2018Members of the Association
14Organization workshops in conjunction with KAFU graduates “What do you need for a successful career and personal growth”April 2018Secretary of the Association
15Organization and holding of debates on theme  “Employment of KAFU graduates”April 2018Director of students development department
16Strengthening the professional and cultural connections between KAFU graduates, promotion of their outstanding achievements in the mediaDuring an academic yearMembers of the Association, university departments
17Attracting graduates for career-oriented work in secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums.During an academic yearUniversity departments, Marketing and enrollment department
18Organization of meetings of students with graduates,
working abroad
During an academic yearHead of international department
19Graduates training on design “professional electronic portfolio of  graduate”March 2018Secretary of the Association 
20Organizing electronic feedback “Graduate- Enterprise-University”During an academic yearSecretary of the Association, university departments