Graduation of KAFU-2023
Every year, the Kazakh-American Free University graduates highly qualified specialists for the benefit of sovereign Kazakhstan. The long-awaited diplomas handed by KAFU President Yerezhep A. Mambetkaziev and Hugh Holman were received by graduates of 2023.
1,461 KAFU graduates will join the ranks of competent specialists in the labor market, 97 bachelor’s degree graduates receive diplomas with honors, 139 master’s degree graduates have successfully completed their studies in the master’s program, 61 graduates receive a KAFU graduate diploma of the American program. Each of the graduates is the embodiment of true talent and perseverance, representatives of a new generation ready to contribute to the development of Kazakhstan and the world.
KAFU issues diplomas of its own design, with the logo of the Institute for Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance (ACQUIN), as well as with the logo of the ASBSP accreditation agency, which confirm the high level of education quality.
Throughout the training, teachers and students were in constant scientific and creative interaction – they organized and conducted master classes, trainings, business games, workshops, and independent research. Taking into account future professional activities, students learned to write scientific articles, mastered and developed academic writing skills, underwent various internships in Kazakhstan and abroad.
KAFU graduates are winners of international olympiads and competitions, participants of academic mobility programs and internships in foreign universities. Among the graduates are the holders of state grants, scholarships of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and “Altyn Belgi”.
Dear graduates, your graduation is not only your triumph, but also a great achievement for our university. You become our ambassadors for education, research and innovation. Your successes inspire us and confirm the value of our educational approach. Let each of you continue your journey, striving for new heights and overcoming the boundaries of courage and creativity!
Congratulations to the Kazakh-American Free University Graduates of 2023!