International Scientific and Practical Conference “Industry of Tourism and Hospitality in the Conditions of Transformation and Change of Priorities”
On April 6, 2023, within the framework of the agreement on cooperation in the field of education and science between the Kazakh-American Free University and the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, the Department of Business took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference.
The organizers of the conference were the Ministry of Economic Development, the “Novosibirsk Association of Tourist Organizations”, the Department of Business in the Service Sphere, the Department of Management of the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (Novosibirsk).
As part of the section “Innovative Approaches and New Educational Technologies in the Competence Professional Space of Tourism and Hospitality”, Dilyara Woodward, Associate Professor, Ph.D. of Department of Business with a report on the topic “Integration of the Educational Process and Needs of the Tourist Business of East Kazakhstan Region”.
Also, within the second section “Regional Features, Development Priorities and Problems of the Sphere of Tourism and Hospitality” Prosin S. (a student of EP “Tourism”, academic supervisor, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Business Yevgeniya Sumareva) delivered a report on the topic “The Role of National Cultural Heritage in the Development of Eastern Kazakhstan as a Tourist Destination”.
The participants got acquainted with the results of research, discussed the trends of innovative approaches in the field of tourism, modern approaches and management styles of enterprises in the field of hospitality services, revealed the features of digitalization in the field of tourist services and so on.
Department of Business