Plenary Session of the XIII KAFU Young Scientists Forum
Mankind is always looking for new opportunities for its development, and in this context, higher education is one of the highest priority areas, since its important task is to train specialists who have not only professional skills, but also research abilities that allow them to effectively apply theoretical knowledge to practice. In this regard, higher education institutions are focusing on the development of research work and the creation of an innovative research environment within universities.
It is science that ensures the dynamic and progressive development of the entire socio-economic system of society, and the creation of the chain “education – science – innovation – production” creates the prerequisites for the formation of an appropriate research facility for this development.
On April 12, representatives of the scientific community celebrate the Day of Science Workers. This significant date was celebrated at the Kazakh-American Free University with the opening of the Plenary session of the XIII Forum of Young Scientists “Modern Scientific Areas: from Applied Research to Innovation”.
This event has become a platform for the exchange of scientific ideas and achievements between young scientists of KAFU. The forum presented and discussed current scientific research in various fields, including education, journalism, psychology, sociology, economics, language learning, and law.
On behalf of the President of KAFU Yerezhep Mambetkaziev, First Vice-President, PhD, Zhasulan Baikenov addressed the participants of the Plenary meeting with a welcoming speech. He drew the attention of the plenary session participants to the fact that it is young people who play an important role in the scientific community and have a huge potential to bring new ideas and approaches to existing scientific fields. Young scientists have a fresh perspective on problems and new ideas that are important for scientific progress.
On behalf of foreign partners of KAFU, Dr. Ron Wylie, PhD, who is one of the participants in the KAFU social project dedicated to conflict resolution and the formation of a culture of tolerant behavior, delivered a welcoming speech.
The 3rd year student of the program “International Relations” Madiyar Smailov presented a project dedicated to the history of the formation of KAFU and the contribution of the individual to its development under the guidance of the Senior Lecturer of the Department of Law and International Relations Elena Yegorenkova.
1st year students of the Russian Language and Literature and Journalism program Svetlana Polupanova and Anastasia Ershova, under the guidance of the Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Natalia Moshenskaya, presented intermediate results and prospects for the development of the educational project “Anniversary of the Book”, implemented at the university.
The importance and necessity of fighting corruption, measures to prevent corruption offenses, the principles of “zero tolerance” for corruption in their project were told by students of the EP “Law” Tatyan Paderina a and Arman Ualkhan under the guidance of a Compliance Officer, Teacher of the Department of Law and International Relations, doctoral student of KAFU Ermek Zhunuspekov.
The scientific project “Monitoring Processes Associated with Research Activities at the University” under the guidance of the Director of the Center of Institutional Research, Senior Lecturer Irina Fedorova was presented by students Marina Zhavrina and Ekaterina Vlasova.
Musabek Nukesh, a graduate of KAFU in 2021, spoke from his own experience about the most promising areas for startups in the Republic of Kazakhstan, showing solutions for business optimization in the field of medicine, transport and logistics under the leadership of Dinara Mamyrbeka, on the topic “Startup Project is an Effective Way to Improve Life as in the Example of “TASYMAL” Educational School”.
Doctoral student of KAFU, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Law and International Relations Marzhan Tazhieva presented an educational project on the topic “Developing School-Based Mediation Teams as a Way of Preventing Conflicts and Forming a Tolerant Behavioral Culture”, which is being implemented at KAFU.
A team of representatives of the Department of Foreign Languages, Aldiyar Elchubaev and Elvira Akhmetchanova, led by Senior Lecturer Anna Oskolkova and undergraduate Polina Kulik, presented a scientific project on the topic “Increasing the Internal Motivation of Students to Learn English through the Use of Educational Videos in Social Networks”.
The organizers and participants of the scientific work of the university are looking for new forms, methods and directions of attracting young people to scientific activities so that young researchers publicly share their research and publish the results of their scientific work.
For 2 weeks, KAFU will host Forum events that will give a great start to the scientific career of a young researcher!
Research Department