Regional tournament of business projects “I am an entrepreneur” among schoolchildren and students of the TVE system

On April 29, 2024, the Kazakh-American Free University, together with the East Kazakhstan Education Department, the East Kazakhstan Chamber of Entrepreneurs and the Ust-Kamenogorsk College of Economics and Finance, held a regional tournament of business projects “I am an entrepreneur” among schoolchildren and students of the East Kazakhstan region.

The purpose of the competition is to identify and develop entrepreneurial initiatives of students of secondary schools and students of technical and vocational educational organizations in the region.

79 applications were submitted to participate in the tournament, including 56 from colleges and 23 from schools. 119 students from 12 schools and 17 educational institutions of the technical and vocational education system from 4 districts and 3 cities of the region participated. A total of 79 projects were presented, of which 31 were team projects and 48 individual. Of these, 41 projects are in Kazakh and 38 in Russian.

The competition was held in 7 categories “Green start up”; “Social initiatives”, “Tourism”, “Agroeconomics”, “Creative business idea” (services, production), “IT-sphere” and “Trading”.

Participants submitted relevant, creative, innovative projects to the competition.

Business projects were evaluated by a competent jury: Chairman of the regional council of business women of the NCE RK “Atameken” for East Kazakhstan region, Chairman of the ALE “Tourist Association of East Kazakhstan”, Director of the Ainalayyn Hotel, Head of KAB SYSTEMS LLP, Member of the Board of the Public Association “Community of Women’s Initiatives” NIET.WOMAN” Ust-Kamenogorsk, deputy chairman, financial director of Vostok-asphalt LLP, head of the farm “Med Altaisky”, director of Book Store LLP, commercial and PR director of the company “Belalex-river walks in Ust” -Kamenogorsk”, financial expert of the Karyzsyz Kogam project, business coach, entrepreneur, head of the NK Beauty Academy, head of PKP Rauan LLP, head of the individual entrepreneur Perizat Rakhatovna.

Based on the results of the competition, winners in the categories were determined

“Green start up”:

1st place – Prokopchik Pavel Pavlovich

1st place – Azamatkyzy Ayaulym, Kazarbekova Dilnaz Bolatbekkyzy

2nd place – Bogomazov Ivan Aleksandrovich

2nd place – Mukametkaliev Damir Askhatovich

3rd place – Kalieva Nazly Askhatovna, Kreines Daniil Evgenievich

3rd place – Alipbekkyzy Umitzhol

“Social Initiatives”:

1st place – Rylskaya Anastasia Fedorovna

1st place – Krechetova Zlata Vadimovna

2nd place – Amanova Inkar Amankyzy, Tileugabylova Aiganym Aidynkyzy, Nurlan Balzhan

2nd place – Muratova Aruzhan Amankyzy, Sharipova Anel Renatkyzy, Slyamkhanova Gulnur Kairatkyzy

3rd place – Sembaeva Nargiza Kuanyshkyzy, Saulet Ayala

3rd place – Oleg Vladimirovich Medvezhov


1st place – Toktarkhanova Shyraylym Bakytbekkyzy

1st place – Turarova Zhansaya Aidoskyzy, Musabek Asyl

2nd place – Victoria Pavlovna Tsyb

2nd place – Muratova Ayim Muratkyzy

3rd place – Zhanabaeva Dana, Berdimuratova Guldana,

Eren Mahabbat Berikkyzy

3rd place – Bakytbek Akmaral, Ertaeva Aisulu Darkhankyzy


1st place – Ryzhov Vadim Andreevich

1st place – Tkachenko Roman Vitalievich

2nd place – Erimbekov Tolegen Rauanuly

2nd place – Kalaida Denis Aleksandrovich

3rd place – Alena Sergeevna Kovalenko

3rd place – Skosarev Ivan Evgenievich

“Creative business idea” (services):

1st place – Smirnova Sofia Andreevna

1st place – Duysenbekov Nurtas Nurlanuly

2nd place – Elizaveta Aleksandrovna Kuzmina

2nd place – Tamila Aleksandrovna Kaynazarova, Vladlena Vladimirovna Polyakova

3rd place – Alina Sergeevna Bekker, Karina Rustamovna Gazizova

3rd place – Kondaurova Ekaterina Ruslanovna

“Creative business idea” (production):

1st place – Zeinollaeva Aidana Talapovna

1st place – Kabylgazy Elnur Bakytbekuly, Duysenbekov Yeraly Nurlanuly

2nd place – Kuanysheva Kamila Zhanbolatovna

2nd place – Veronika Andreevna Maklakova, Maria Vasilievna Malykhina

3rd place – Askarbek Mansur, Kurmanbek Nurkhat, Kakharman Yeraly

3rd place – Anfilofyeva Angelina Ivanovna, Zinovieva Anastasia Dmitrievna


1st place – Mukataeva Erkezhan Azamatovna, Askarkyzy Ayanat

1st place – Makarevich Kirill Sergeevich, Ignatieva Sofia Viktorovna, Sembinov Ruslan Rashidovich

2nd place – Kobzar Danil Pavlovich

3rd place – Toleuzhanova Dina Erbolkyzy

3rd place – Bakeshova Aruzhan Zhasulankyzy, Bauyrzhan Manssur Tilekuly, Karpova Diana Vadimkyzy

“Trading business”:

1st place – Dilnaz Didarovna Kasenova, Daria Alekseevna Chebotko

1st place – Eremeeva Ekaterina Evgenievna, Smagulova Elmira Kayratovna, Galaktionova Valeria Yurievna

2nd place – Erbolov Zhaslan Erikuly

2nd place – Keneskhan Aknur Meirzhankyzy

3rd place – Fedorov Ivan Ivanovich

3rd place – Nurzhanova Amina Rustamovna, Azatkyzy Farida

All winners and participants were awarded diplomas and certificates for participation in the regional tournament. In addition, the winners in the nominations were awarded by the sponsors of the tournament: Belova Ksenia Olegovna – Commercial and PR Director of the company “Belalex-river walks in Ust-Kamenogorsk” presented the winners with a certificate for a 2-hour ride on a river bus. Vitaly Aleksandrovich Kakhanov, director of Book Store LLP, awarded cash prizes to the winners in the Trade Business nomination.

The Kazakh-American Free University also celebrated the winners in the “Tourism” and “IT Sphere” nominations by presenting certificates for a 10% discount on tuition for all educational programs of the “Business” department.

The tournament participants and their scientific supervisors were awarded certificates for participation.

We wish further victories to the guys and their leaders who took prizes in the republican business project competition!

Department of Business