Round Table “Shakerim Shyny”
October 3, 2023 in the A.S. Pushkin East Kazakhstan Regional Library, the Round Table “Shakerim Shyny” was held, dedicated to the 165th anniversary of the poet, and great thinker Shakarim Kudaiberdievich. The round table meeting was attended by library reader Zamirbek N. Ualkhanov, one of the best teachers in the education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Katiza B. Saripova, students of the Kazakh-American Free University educational program “Kazakh Language and Literature”, “Journalism” and librarians.
Librarian Ziza Mukhtarkhanovna, who conducted the Round Table, having analyzed the life and work of Shakarim, presented to the reader an excerpt from a documentary film about our great thinker, whose remains have been buried in Kurkuduk for 30 years.
Referring to Shakarim’s creativity, Katiza Baybazarovna noted his great legacy, and enormous contribution to the development of our national philosophy and shared new facts from the poet’s life.
Zamirbek Ualkhanovich focused on Shakarim’s ideas, reflecting the face of the past era, historical essence, and deep and controversial views into the future, and also spoke about the literary heritage of the great thinker, which is relevant today. Zamirbek Nuralievich’s words aroused young people’s interest in the poet’s work. Students shared their opinions and received answers to their questions. 3rd-year student of KAFU Samgar Zharkynbek thanked the guests of the meeting, noting that he received a lot of new knowledge from the meeting.
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology