Seminar for Future Educators on Inclusion
On October 31, 2022, a seminar was held at the Kazakh-American Free University on the types of activities and methods of assessment for children with special educational needs. This is the second event that Nadezhda Velichko held for students of pedagogical specialties – teacher of Russian language and literature of “School-Center of Additional Education No. 19”, teacher-researcher, teacher-defectologist, teacher of the deaf (for children with hearing impairment).
As part of this event, various approaches and techniques were proposed that can help “find a path” to children with health problems. Nadezhda showed fragments of lessons that demonstrate the main thesis of today’s seminar: “All children can learn – we must create suitable conditions for their learning”. The speaker also answered questions from the audience.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology