Summing Up the Year
The modern paradigm of higher education has changed a lot in recent years. More and more, the university practice of education is moving away from traditional forms of education, when the student and the teacher were limited by the same classroom. Recently, they have begun to talk more often about such phenomena as MOOCs (massive open online courses), open online lectures, the YouTube channel of the university, Webometrics.
– This is a very important point, – says Yulia Trofimova, Director of the Center for Methodological and Technical Support of Distance Learning at KAFU. – A student can choose any university in any country in the world, and it is the “online criteria” that play the role of a business card for choosing an educational institution. To see the quality of teaching, to get acquainted with the internal atmosphere of the university, to watch the news, in the end, it’s easy to form your own opinion, and even without entering the university – this is exactly what online resources do best. The pandemic has made drastic adjustments to the educational process when universities have prepared a huge amount of resources in a short time to ensure the educational process online. But this process continues even now because the very perception of higher education has changed. The student no longer has to just sit in the classroom and take down the lectures. The online resources of the university create additional opportunities for professional dialogue, as well as position the university in the educational services market – everyone can go to the website or YouTube channel of the university and completely immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the educational activities of our university.
Over the past three years, MOOCs have been created at the university in various educational areas and programs, as well as feature news and open lectures by the teaching staff of KAFU on the YouTube channel of the university. The outgoing year has shown that it is online resources that attract the attention of the target audience if they are interested in some issues for their own purposes, thereby creating positive PR for the university itself.
In 2022, the national channel of Armenia “Our Armenia” ( posted an open lecture by Tatyana Levina on the history of Armenian writing in their funds. Also, a full course of her lectures “Epics of the Peoples of the World” was placed in the educational fund “In Search of Knowledge.” (section “Lectures”, also link This is one of the criteria for the external evaluation of educational achievements – an assessment of the quality of lecture materials by third-party educational organizations that conduct their own examination of the material and decide whether the material can be used for educational purposes.
The work on filling the online resources of the university continues, new horizons are ahead!
Center for Methodological and Technical Support for Distance Learning