The Results of the Regional Olympiad “Polyglot”
On December 23, 2022, the annual regional Olympiad “Polyglot” in Kazakh, Russian and English among students of the 8th grade was held at the Kazakh-American Free University. The Olympiad was held in two stages: writing – the performance of test tasks, and speaking – a conversation on the topic in three languages.
120 schoolchildren took part in the Olympiad, 30 of which were allowed to participate in the second round.
Olympiad Results:
1st place | |
Alexandra Serokhvostova | School-lyceum # 1, Ridder |
Polina Stefanenko | Secondary school # 24 |
Mansur Adilbekov | Amanzholov secondary school |
2nd place | |
Ilya Son | Gumilev gymnasia # 10 |
Dana Sultanbekova | School-lyceum # 1, Ridder |
Sayara Zhakupova | Secondary school # 36 |
Esma Nogaibayeva | Private business school “Istok” |
Dana Kainarkyzy | Opytnoye Pole seconady school, Glubokoye region |
Nazerke Agzambek | Novo-Irtyshsk secondary school, Glubokoye region |
3rd place | |
Nazerke Kenzhebekoba | School-gymnasia # 12 |
Ainaz Dyusenbekkyzy | Gumilev gymnasia # 10 |
Andrey Pavlov | School-lyceum # 11 |
Aisulu Karabayeva | Secondary school # 46 |
Aruzhan Ayazbayeva | Comprehensive school # 47 |
Aida Maitabayeva | Comprehensive school # 30 |
Alidana Dyusembayeva | Predgornoye secondary school # 1, Glubokoye region |
Ayala Mamyrbek | Amanzholov secondary school |
Alexandra Chepurnova | Beloussovka secondary school, Glubokoye region, East Kazakhstan |
Congratulations to the winners and we wish you further success in learning languages!
Department of Foreign Languages
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology