The second round of the Regional Olympiad in the History of Kazakhstan was held in KAFU
On April 7, 2023, the Kazakh-American Free University hosted the 2nd round of the Regional Olympiad in the History of Kazakhstan among 10th-11th grade students “Turkic World: Past, Present and Future”.
Round 1 – The qualifying stage was held on March 31, 2023 in an online format through the platform in the form of testing.
It was attended by 232 participants from 58 schools in Ust-Kamenogorsk and East Kazakhstan region.
According to the results of the qualifying round, 40 students from 18 schools passed to the second round of the Olympiad.
The second round was held in 2 stages:
Stage 1 – “Medieval, Modern and Recent History and Culture of Kazakhstan”, which includes work in the form of logical tasks, answering a “live” question and solving a crossword puzzle.
Stage 2 – “Kazakhstan and the Turkic Dialogue: Vectors of Cooperation” – work using the method of historical forecasting.
The winners of the Olympiad were selected among the participants who scored the maximum number of points based on the results of the 1st and 2nd stages.
According to the results of the Olympiad, the winners are:
I place (grant of the President of KAFU) – Danial Toleudinov , 11th grade, “Secondary School No. 35″ of the Department of Education in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk of the Department of Education of the East Kazakhstan Region”;
II place (50% discount for studying at KAFU) – Aisha Aydinkyzy, 11th grade, Seitkamzy Lastaev Secondary School, Katon-Karagay village, Katon-Karagay district, East Kazakhstan region;
III place (30% discount for studying at KAFU) – Dauren Malgazhdarov , grade 10, “Y.Altynsarin Secondary School No. 39” of the Department of Education in Ust-Kamenogorsk UO East Kazakhstan region.
Department of Law and International Relations