City Competition for the 80th Anniversary of Mukhtar Shakhanov
On December 20, 2022, the Kazakh-American Free University held a city competition “Körkemsoz oku sheberleri” (“Masters of Artistic Reading”) dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Mukhtar Shakhanov. In total, 55 students from colleges and universities of Ust-Kamenogorsk took part in the competition.
The purpose of the competition: the event is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the national writer and poet of Kazakhstan, public figure Mukhtar Shakhanov.
The objective of the competition: promotion of fiction, the creative heritage of Kazakh writers, strengthening the unity of the country and fostering a sense of patriotism, increasing interest in Kazakh national culture and art, literature and language, developing a culture of reading among young people.
Evaluation of the competition: when evaluating the performance of the participants of the competition, the jury focused on their ability to read a literary text, the manner of voice and the purity of the language, text choice, behavior on stage, and image.
Contest winners:
The main prize – Inkar Serikbekovna – Higher College of S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University;
1st place – Nazdana Bekzhanova – Abai East Kazakhstan Humanitarian College;
2nd place – Aisulu Kabyshova – Abai East Kazakhstan Humanitarian College;
2nd place – Aknur Dukeshova – Abai East Kazakhstan Humanitarian College;
3rd place – Ayerke Yerzhan – Higher College of S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University;
3rd place – Tolegenuly Kuanysh – Abai East Kazakhstan Humanitarian College;
3rd place – Almira Kabay – Higher College of S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University.
“People’s Choice” – Adilbekova Jasmine – Abai East Kazakhstan Humanitarian College;
“Master of Artistic Reading” – Akbota Akylbekova – Higher College of S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University;
“Master of the Stage” – Inkar Baurzhanovina – Higher College of S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University.
We congratulate the winners and thank the leaders who prepared the talented youth who will become the future of the country!
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology