About Business Department
The Department of “Business” is one of the first departments in the structure of the Kazakh-American Free University. In 1994, the first enrollment of students for study at the International Higher College of Economics and Humanities was carried out. In February 1995, the official opening ceremony of the International Higher College of Economics and Humanities was held with the participation of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. In January 1997, a license was obtained from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for conducting educational activities in the major “Economics and Management”. In September 2000, a master’s degree in Management was opened. In October 2000, the college received the status of “Kazakh-American Free University” (KAFU).
The main goal of the Department of “Business” is to create conditions that provide high-quality training of highly qualified specialists in the field of economics and management.
Promising areas of development of the department (Strategic Plan of the department):
1. Providing high-quality training of competitive personnel with higher and postgraduate education that meets the needs of the internal and external labor market.
2. Organization of effective management, development of human resources and creation of information infrastructure.
3. Modernization of the scientific and innovative process in the conditions of digitalization and ensuring integration into the world scientific space.
4. Systematic development of international activities.
5. Development of professional, creative and leadership competencies of students.
6. Development of the resource potential of the department and ensuring sustainable financial and economic growth.
The Department of” Business” is graduating in the following educational programs of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies:
Educational Program Code | Educational Program | ACBSP Accreditation | Qualification / degree | Training Period |
6В06101 | «Information Systems» | Accredited | Bachelor | 2*,3**,4 years |
6В06102 | «Computer Equipment and Software» | Bachelor | 2*,3**,4 years | |
6В04101 | «Economics» | Accredited | Bachelor | 2*,3**,4 years |
6В04102 | «Management» | Accredited | Bachelor | 2*,3**,4 years |
6В04104 | «Finance» | Accredited | Bachelor | 2*,3**,4 years |
6В04105 | «State and Local Government» | Accredited | Bachelor | 2*,3**,4 years |
6В011101 | «Tourism» | Accredited | Bachelor | 2*,3**,4 years |
6В11102 | «Restaurant Management and Hotel Business» | Bachelor | 2*,3**,4 years | |
6В04103 | «Accounting and Audit» | Accredited | Bachelor | 2*,3**,4 years |
6В04108 | «Marketing and PR Management» | Bachelor | 2*,3**,4 years | |
6В04109 | «HR and Business Planning» | Bachelor | 2*,3**,4 years | |
7М04101, 7М04102 | «Management» | Accredited | Master’s | 1 year, 2 years |
7М04103, 7М04104 | «Finance» | Accredited | Master’s | 1 year, 2 years |
7М06101, 7М06102 | «Information Systems» | Accredited | Master’s | 1 year,2 years |
8D04101 | «Management» | Accredited | PhD | 3 years |
MBA for executives | Accredited | MBA | 1 year |
* 2 years-full-time training after university with the use of DET;
** 3 years-full-time training after college with the use of DET;

The specialized accreditation of business programs in ACBSP speaks about the high quality of training of graduates of the Department of “Business”.
Every year, the Department of” Business” graduates more than 300 graduates in all forms of education. The organization of the educational process at the department is carried out using innovative teaching methods. The “case study” method, business games, situational modeling, round tables activate the educational process, introduce an element of competition into it and allow students to bring their studies closer to the practice of everyday life. Traditionally, open events are held: presentations of scientific reports of students, student conferences, open defenses of course projects, abstract competitions.
The scientific activity of the department is an integral part of its functioning as an educational and scientific unit of the university. Therefore, the teaching staff of the department attaches great importance to strengthening its scientific potential, the integration of science and education. The organization and development of both teachers’ and students’ research work at the Department of “Business” is carried out in order to increase the level of scientific training of specialists with higher professional education. It helps to identify the most talented students who are inclined to scientific activity for subsequent training in master’s and doctoral studies and replenish the scientific and pedagogical staff of the University, thereby preserving and replenishing the intellectual potential of KAFU on this basis, and further development of the integration of science and education. The Department of “Business” conducts educational work aimed at implementing the tasks of forming and developing the culture of the personality of future bachelors. Advisors of educational groups regularly organize and conduct collective and individual events with students: trips to theaters, museums, cinemas, visits to exhibitions, forums; hold group meetings to discuss the results of students’ academic performance, achievements in scientific and creative activities.