Foreign Languages Master’s degree

Master’s degree

Educational program7М01701 “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages” (profile magistracy)7М01702 “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages” (scientific and pedagogical magistracy)
Department Foreign Languages
Profile disciplinesPedagogy (Kazakh, Russian, English), Professionally oriented foreign language (English, German, French)
Educational program “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages”Training of highly qualified, competitive specialists who speak a foreign language at an advanced level, effectively carrying out educational, socio-pedagogical, educational and technological, research and administrative activities, taking into account the principles of pedagogy and andragogy.
AdvantagesObjects and types of professional activity:The objects of professional activity of graduates who have mastered the master’s program are training, education, development, education, educational systems.Types of professional activity for which graduates who have mastered the master’s program are preparing: pedagogical, research.Subjects of professional activity:organization of training and education of students using innovative psychological and pedagogical methods and means;organization of research activities of undergraduates in the framework of the educational process of the university;activities of authorized and local executive bodies to support innovative processes in the management of the educational system.
Career opportunitiesList of alumni positions:a foreign language teacher at different levels of education in educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher education;foreign language teacher in vocational education organizations;teacher-researcher;teacher-mentor;teacher-methodologist;teacher-moderator;teacher-expert;teacher-master, etc.
Educational program7М02301 Translation Studies (profile magistracy)7М02302 Translation Studies (scientific and pedagogical master’s degree)
Department Foreign Languages
Profile disciplinesTranslation Theory (English, Russian, Kazakh, Korean, Chinese, Japanese), Professionally Oriented Foreign Language (English)
Educational program “Translation Studies”Providing conditions for the training of highly qualified, competitive personnel, who speak a foreign language at an advanced level, are able to carry out intercultural communication and conduct effective translation, research and management activities in the field of translation, based on modern achievements in the science of translation.
AdvantagesFunctions of professional activity:performance of written translations;performance of written consecutive and simultaneous translation;performing editing and criticism of the translation;compiling texts of different genre and stylistic orientation;implementation of international mediation in various types of cross-cultural communication.
Career opportunitiesAreas of professional activity:industryadministrative and managerial sphere;sphere of culture and intercultural communication;sphere of international relations;the sphere of publishing;the sphere of mass media;information and analytical sphere.
Educational program7М02304 Foreign philology (scientific and pedagogical master’s degree)
DepartmentForeign Languages
Profile disciplinesTranslation Theory (English, Russian, Kazakh, Korean, Chinese, Japanese), Professionally Oriented Foreign Language (English)
Educational program ” Foreign philology “Providing conditions for the training of highly qualified, competitive personnel, who speak a foreign language at an advanced level, are able to carry out intercultural communication and conduct effective translation, research and management activities in the field of translation, based on modern achievements in the science of translation.
AdvantagesFunctions of professional activity:•   performance of written translations;•   performance of written consecutive and simultaneous translation;•   performing editing and criticism of the translation;•   compiling texts of different genre and stylistic orientation;•   implementation of international mediation in various types of cross-cultural communication.
Career opportunitiesAreas of professional activity:•        industry•        administrative and managerial sphere;•        sphere of culture and intercultural communication;•        sphere of international relations;•        the sphere of publishing;•        the sphere of mass media;•        information and analytical sphere.