Final Extended Meeting of the KAFU Academic Council
On December 27, 2022, an extended meeting of the Academic Council was held at the Kazakh-American Free University, at which the results of the implementation of the KAFU Strategic Development Plan for 2018-2022 were summed up.
Chairman of the Academic Council Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yerezhep Mambetkaziev acquainted the teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates, students, and employers with the Agenda.
In the main report, KAFU First Vice-President, PhD Zhasulan Baikenov noted the growth and decline positions in the university’s areas of activity, assessed the level of implementation of strategic tasks over 5 years and presented a new University Development Strategy for 2023-2027. Particular attention in the report was paid to the analysis of the educational programs of the university, the creation of conditions for improving the quality of the teaching staff, the development of digitalization, research and international activities of the university.
An analysis of the activities of the university, its strengths and weaknesses, development opportunities and threats were taken into account when developing a new KAFU Development Strategy for 2023-2027, the draft of which was discussed throughout the year in all structural divisions and academic groups of students and was submitted for approval at an extended meeting of the Academic Council.
The main report was supplemented by the information of the Director for Creative Development, Alexandra Astafyeva, about the implementation of international grant programs at KAFU, as well as Anna Kabardina’s report about foreign students studying at the university.
Heads of KAFU departments Ilona Bordianu and Asem Nurlanova determined the prospects for cooperation with the West-Saxon University of Applied Sciences in Zwickau (Germany) and with the Bulent Ecevit University in Zonguldak (Turkey).
Yelena Shikhotova, the Director of KAFU Linguistic center shared the information on the work and development prospects of the KAFU Linguistic Center.
Chairman of the Academic Council summed up the activities of the university over the past year and outlined the immediate goals and objectives to be worked on in the coming year as part of the new “Development Strategy of the Kazakh-American Free University for 2023-2027”.
Research Department