
A field of economics specializing in the fundamentals of financial resources, market analysis and investment, the acquisition of forecasting skills and capital management.

Academic Degree: Bachelor of Business and Management

Code and name of the educational program: 6B04104 “Finance”

Elective subjects:   

After school: Mathematics, Geography          
After college: Finance and Credit, Organization Finance

Form duration of studying:       

Full-time (after school) – 4 years     
On the basis of TPE (after college) full-time, shortened- 3 years 
On the basis of HE (after university) full-time, shortened – 2 years

Description of the educational program:

Finance specialty is a field of knowledge and professional activity related to the management of financial resources of organizations and states, as well as the analysis of financial activities.

Students in this specialty study such disciplines as financial management, investment, banking, financial statement analysis, taxes, etc.

Financial management deals with the planning, management and control of an organization’s financial resources, making decisions about investments, profit distribution and debt management.

Investments are studied in order to understand the investment process, methods of evaluation of investment projects, risk analysis and determination of investment efficiency.

Banking deals with the organization and management of financial transactions, the operation of banking systems and instruments, and the analysis of banking activities.

Analysis of financial statements assesses the financial condition of the organization, analyzes financial statements, identifies trends in financial performance and develops recommendations to improve financial performance.

Taxes are studied in order to understand the tax system, tax laws and ways to optimize the organization’s tax payments.

Career Opportunities:

Finance graduates can work in banks, insurance companies, investment funds, auditing firms, government agencies, and other industries that require financial management professionals. They may be involved in financial planning and management, analyzing financial statements, investing, assessing risk, and developing financial strategies.

6B04104 Finance