Guest Lecture on the Topic “What is a Startup?”
On November 15, 2022, at the Kazakh-American Free University, the head of the Entrepreneurship Center of Gumilev Eurasian National University, Armiyash Nurmagambetova held a guest lecture on the topic “What is a Startup?” for 2-4th year-students of all educational programs of the Department of Business.
The speaker told what a startup is, what advantages it has, why it is worth starting this activity right now while being students. During the lecture, examples of successful startups created by their founders while studying at the university were given.
As recommendations, the speaker announced what to do if you have an idea to create your own startup:
- Find a cool idea;
- Form a team;
- Think over the business model;
- Create a prototype;
- Determine the target audience;
- Attract funding;
- Create a company (legal entity);
- Refine the prototype;
- Confirm the performance of the product;
- Scale your idea.
At the end of the guest lecture, the students expressed thanks for the information received and discussed issues of interest in the field of entrepreneurship.
Department of Business