International Dialogue Platform “Challenges and Threats to Sustainable Economic Development: Global and Regional Trends”
On February 10, 2023, the Department of Business of the Kazakh-American Free University took part in the International Dialogue Platform “Challenges and Threats to Sustainable Economic Development: Global and Regional Trends”, held by Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk, Russia.
Shcherbik E.E., Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Commerce and Management of the university, made an introductory speech and noted the importance of international cooperation in the context of globalization.
Senior Lecturer, PhD Nepshina V.N. with a report on the topic “Modern Trends in the Training of Managerial Personnel for the Sustainable Development of the Economy.”
Also the speakers from other universities were:
– Livenets M.I., Lecturer of the Department of Commerce and Management, “Nizhnevartovsk State University”, Nizhnevartovsk, Russian Federation with the topic “Ways to Overcome Sanctions Pressure on the Example of an Oil and Gas Producing Region”;
– Bekeshev B., teacher of “S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University”, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan with the topic “The Role of Crop Production Diversification in the Country’s Food Security.”
– Radygina E.G., Ph.D., Associate Professor “Ural State University of Economics”, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation with the topic “The Role of Small Businesses in Ensuring the Indicators of Sustainable Development of Tourism in the Region”;
– Volkova I.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor of “Stolypin Omsk State Agrarian University”, Omsk, Russian Federation with the theme “Development of Agriculture: Strategic Gaps and Prospectives of Opportunity”;
– Ogurtsova Yu.N., Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg, with the topic “Industrial Tourism as a Factor in the Sustainable Development of an Old Industrial Region”.
The dialogue platform was held in the form of active discussions.
We thank the participants of this event and look forward to further cooperation.
Department of Business