KAFU Hosted a TEDx Meeting on Combating Corruption
On January 30, 2025, the Kazakh-American Free University hosted a TEDx meeting on combating corruption. The event was chaired by A.A. Beisembayev, Head of the Prevention Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Combating Corruption in the East Kazakhstan Region.
During the meeting, the speaker revealed the key concepts of corruption crimes, presented modern mechanisms for combating corruption, and emphasized the importance of each citizen’s participation in creating a society free from corruption. Particular emphasis was given to the young people on this topic.
Students actively participated in the discussion, asked questions, and suggested ideas for increasing transparency and responsibility in various areas of life. The discussion demonstrated a high level of interest among young people in anti-corruption issues and their desire to create an honest and fair society.
Holding such events contributes to the formation of an anti-corruption worldview among young people and the development of civic responsibility, which plays an important role in building a state governed by the rule of law.