KAFU Major-Specialized Class: Startup Culture and IT Development Opportunities in Kazakhstan

As part of the study of the courses “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Business” and “IT-Technologies”, on May 17, 2023, the Senior Lecturer of the Department of Business Dinara Mamyrbekova and students of the major-specialized class of KAFU visited the East Kazakhstan regional “Oskemen IT-HUB” (https://astanahub.com/ru/l/OskemenITHub).

The main goal of “Oskemen IT-HUB” is to promote the startup culture and the IT community, create a favorable environment for the development of startups and make Kazakhstan one of the leaders in the field of IT.

The Head of the regional headquarters, Didar Muratuly, spoke about the activities and structure of the IT hub, conducted an interesting tour, shared plans and prospects for the future, and also noted that all participants of the Oskemen IT Hub will be assisted in creating effective business processes and promoting them, meeting like-minded people and preparing to attract investments, they will teach how to make pitchdeck presentations, as well as participate in group and individual mentoring sessions.

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