KAFU Opens Its Doors to School and College Graduates in 2022
On October 18, 2022, the Kazakh-American Free University launched an “Open Day” for school and college graduates in 2022. Prior to the start of the main event, the applicants had the opportunity to watch a film about KAFU and take a tour of the main academic building.
The open day gives participants an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the university, learn about the history of the university and plunge into the atmosphere of student life. The applicants were able to ask questions to the deans of faculties, heads of departments, teachers about current educational programs, admission and training conditions.
The founder and president of KAFU, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yerezhep Mambetkaziev, and the First Vice-President Zhasulan Baikenov made a welcoming speech about the features and advantages of the university of international partnership.
KAFU students themselves spoke about their successes and achievements in Kazakh, Russian and English and played an intellectual game with the students.
After the official part, the presentations of educational programs of the departments of business, law and international relations, foreign languages, pedagogy and psychology took place.
The third part of the event was devoted to the questions of applicants who were interested in the possibility of applying for a grant, participating in olympiads, competitions and university language courses.
The Kazakh-American Free University Open Day will be held every Friday of the 2022-2023 academic year from 14.00 to 15.30. To participate, you must register in advance using a QR code.

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