Learning to Resolve Conflicts

According to statistics, in Kazakhstan 44% of schoolchildren are victims of bullying. Usually bullying is done by peers. Sometimes this manifests itself in a particularly cruel form, accompanied by harassment and beatings.

It is necessary to solve this problem by the whole society, and, first of all, to teach children how to defend their rights and resolve conflicts. That is why KAFU is implementing the project for schools in East Kazakhstan region, dedicated to the prevention and resolution of conflicts in the educational environment. With the support of the US Embassy, school psychologists, teachers and students from schools in the East Kazakhstan region are taught a culture of tolerant behavior through the formation of mediative conflict resolution skills.

As part of the project, trainers-mediators teach dispute resolution within the legal framework and with the help of such internationally recognized means as mediation.

Psychologists acquaint students and teachers with the psychological and pedagogical foundations of school conflictology, and most importantly, give practical advice on resolving such disputes.

The project coordinators see results in the creation of school mediation services in the schools of the East Kazakhstan region, which would help resolve conflicts between students, parents, teachers, and school administration.

If we learn to resolve and prevent conflicts in the educational environment, then the formed model of tolerant behavior will help the sustainable development of society, the state and the world community.