Meeting with the British Ambassador to Kazakhstan
On May 10, 2023, a meeting was held at the Kazakh-American Free University with the British Ambassador to Kazakhstan, Kathy Leach.
The Ambassador visited the university and got acquainted with the administration, and also visited the hub of creative entrepreneurship, which was created with funding from the British Council.
In addition, Cathy Leach gave a guest lecture on “International Diplomacy”, which aroused great interest among students. As part of the lecture, the Ambassador shared her experience in international diplomacy, spoke about the difficulties and problems she had to face, and gave recommendations to those who are going to connect their careers with the diplomatic service.
KAFU students were able to ask questions to the ambassador and get answers. All participants of the meeting were satisfied with the results of the meeting, and Ambassador Kathy Leach expressed her hope for further development of cooperation between the United Kingdom and Kazakhstan in the field of education and culture.
Center for Public Relations