
Открытие центра предпринимательства имени Джеймса Ивенсона (3)

Opening of the James Evenson Entrepre...

On September 27, 2024, the Kazakh-American Free University proudly opens the James Evenson Entrepreneurship Center to ma...
Церемония открытия недели празднования 30 летия КАСУ и 40 летия ректорской деятельности Е.А. Мамбетказиева (4)

Opening Ceremony of the 30th Annivers...

Opening Ceremony of the 30th Anniversary of KAFU and the 40th Anniversary of the Rector’s Activity of E.A. Mambetk...
КАСУ принял участие в первом книжном фестивале SHYGYS BOOK FEST 2024 (4)

KAFU took part in the first book fest...

On September 21, on Arbat in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk, the Kazakh-American Free University took part in the first boo...
встреча по противодействию теневой экономике и финансовым рискам (2)

Meeting on countering the shadow econ...

On September 19, 2024, a meeting was held at the Kazakh-American Free University dedicated to current issues of combatin...
Семинар тренинг “Устойчивость к стрессу” для студентов первого курса (3)

Seminar-training “Stress Resist...

On September 19, 2024, at the Kazakh-American Free University, Liza Temirbekovna Katanova, senior lecturer of the Depart...
Хью Холлман

Interview of Hugh Hallman to the TV c...

On the eve of the 30th anniversary of KAFU, the TV channel “24 – kz” gave an interview to the member o...
Встреча с представителями Ассоциации развития атомной индустрии Казахстана (4)

Meeting with representatives of the A...

On September 13, 2024, a meeting with representatives of the Association for the Development of the Nuclear Industry of ...
Акция «Единый час добропорядочности» (3)

“Integrity Hour” campaign

On September 5, 2024, the Kazakh-American Free University held the nationwide “Integrity Hour” campaign dedi...
Встреча первокурсников с сотрудниками прокуратуры города Усть Каменогорска  (13)

Meeting of first-year students with e...

Prosecutors of the Department for Supervision of Legality of Criminal Prosecution Irkov R.V. and Uporov S.A. held a meet...
День знаний в КАСУ (19)

Knowledge Day at KAFU

On September 2, 2024, the traditional ceremonial assembly dedicated to the Knowledge Day was held in the main building o...