Open Doors Day at the State Revenue Department for East Kazakhstan region
On December 8, 2022, 2nd and 3rd-year students of business and management educational programs of the Kazakh-American Free University, as part of the study of the discipline “Taxes and Taxation”, took part in an event dedicated to the Open Doors Day at the State Revenue Department of East Kazakhstan region.
The meeting was moderated by the head of the explanatory work department of the State Revenue department for the East Kazakhstan region Gulmira Sabralimova, as a visiting teacher-practitioner of the KAFU Department of Business in the discipline “Taxes and Taxation”.
The Department of State Revenues for the East Kazakhstan Region of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a territorial body of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, authorized to perform the functions of state administration and control in the field of customs, to ensure the completeness and timeliness of tax receipts, customs and other mandatory payments to the budget.
Having visited the Department of State Revenues (hereinafter referred to as DSR), students:
– learned what are the directions of the DSR in the East Kazakhstan region, namely the direction of rehabilitation and bankruptcy, tax administration, customs administration, the direction on combating corruption, the direction of statistics and information systems;
– received information about current and prospective vacancies;
– listened to the speech of the Deputy Head Erik Tatubaev about the main activities of the Department.
The students were shown a video about how the reconstruction of the Maikapchagai Single Checkpoint is going on, they were also told in detail about the mobile applications “e-Salyq Business”, “e-Salyq Azamat”, which, in the age of digital technologies, make life of a common taxpayer much easier.
After the event, students were awarded certificates of completion of the course: “Theoretical and Practical Aspects of the Study of Taxes and Taxation” in the amount of 36 hours.
Department of Business