Project “Profession-Oriented Classes of KAFU”: Visiting the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of East Kazakhstan Region
As part of the study of the course “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Business”, on March 1, 2023, students of the KAFU profession-oriented class in the “Business” direction visited the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the East Kazakhstan region. Gulnara Makazhanova, an employee of the Human Capital Development Department, spoke about the goals and objectives of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Atameken”, as well as what services business entities of the East Kazakhstan region can receive in the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs and its regional branches. In the continuation of the tour, the students, together with the adviser to the Rector of KAFU Nataliya Nesterenko and senior lecturer of the business department Dinara Mamyrbekova watched a documentary film about the history of the development of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs and took part in a quiz. As noted by representatives of the chamber, the students will be helped here to open their own business, prepare a business plan for participation in the competition for state grants, collect a package of documents for obtaining preferential loans under government programs, help with the establishment of product sales, defend their rights in courts, etc.
The project “Profession-Oriented Classes of KAFU” is being implemented at the Kazakh-American Free University, three specialized classes were opened: two classes for 11th grade graduates and a two-year education business class.
More than 80 schoolchildren are studying English, the basics of entrepreneurship and business, IT technologies, psychology and journalism, law and international relations at KAFU.
This project serves like a launch pad for applicants who choose their future profession, realizing themselves not only as students, but also as leaders of New Kazakhstan.
Department of Business