Regional workshop: experience from the school named after R. Marsekov
On October 18, a training seminar was held at the Kazakh-American Free University for school mediators on constructive conflict resolution as part of supporting the school reconciliation service.
The event was attended by representatives of government authorities, regional and district education departments, professional mediators, teachers, social educators, psychologists and school students in East Kazakhstan region.
During the workshop the experience of the School Mediation Service of the secondary school named after R. Marsekov was demonstrated. Students, in the format of a simulation, introduced the history of the development of the institution of mediation and demonstrated the procedure for resolving disputes in the educational environment.
Managers of US Embassy small grants program project “Developing school-based mediation teams as a way of preventing conflicts and forming a tolerant behavioral culture” Gavrilova U.A. and Tazhiyeva M.N. informed about the opportunity of taking massive online courses on the issues of the project free of charge, and also reported about cooperation with the educational authorities of the East Kazakhstan region in implementing the republican project of 100 schools of mediation.