Results of the VI Regional Olympiad in Programming “Coding Skills”
Currently, the process of digitalization affects almost all countries of the world. At the same time, each country itself determines the priorities of digital development. One of the topical issues is the formation of human resources in the IT field. Since technology is developing faster than universities can reform the educational facility, this requires other ways to find and highlight talents through student competitions.
In order to find out what level of knowledge young people have in the field of IT technologies, on April 13, 2023, the KAFU Department of Business, together with Oskemen IT-HUB, organized and remotely conducted the VI Regional Olympiad in programming “Coding Skills” among the college students of East Kazakhstan region.
The purpose of this event is to attract public attention to intellectual competitions among college students, popularize intellectual leadership and team spirit, improve the professional level of talented youth, develop the information technology industry of East Kazakhstan region, as well as test practical skills in programming and develop a creative approach to solving problems.
The following colleges took part in the Olympiad:
- Higher College of KAFU;
- Ust-Kamenogorsk College of Economics and Finance;
- Ust-Kamenogorsk Higher Polytechnic College;
- Kumash Nurgaliyev Higher College ;
- Humanitarian and Technical College, Shemonaikha;
- Altai Higher College.
The program of the Olympiad included 2 rounds: I round – “Online testing”, II round – “Problem-solving in programming”.
I round. Participants passed online testing in the direction of “Information and Communication Technologies”. 10 participants were admitted to the second round of the Olympiad, having successfully passed the 1st round and scoring the highest test scores.
II round. The students were offered 5 programming tasks of varying complexity. 2 easy tasks (1 point), 2 challenging tasks (2 points), and 1 completely difficult (3 points). Students were given 2.5 hours to solve these problems. The programming language was not limited, the students themselves chose which of the programming languages they would use.
According to the results of the VI Regional Olympiad in programming “Coding Skills” among students of colleges of the East Kazakhstan region, a first-degree diploma and a certificate for a 30% tuition fee discount in the educational programs of the Business Department were awarded to – Roman Filippov, a student of the Ust-Kamenogorsk Higher Polytechnic College.
Aleksey Shilov, a student of the Ust-Kamenogorsk Higher Polytechnic College, was awarded a second-degree diploma and a certificate for a 20% tuition fee discount on educational programs of the Business Department.
A third-degree diploma and a certificate for a 10% tuition fee discount on educational programs of the Business Department were awarded to a student of the Kumash Nurgaliyev Higher College – Alena Podoynikova.
Participants of the VI Regional Olympiad in programming “Coding Skills” were awarded diplomas for prizes and letters of thanks to managers.
We wish all participants further victories!
Department of Business